What hosting for 20 websites


Registered Member
Sep 28, 2013
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Im having 20 websites runing, and i use hostgator baby pack, and for the last 3 days im geting tons of lag.

Any sugestions on what could get wrong?
Im having 20 websites runing, and i use hostgator baby pack, and for the last 3 days im geting tons of lag.

Any sugestions on what could get wrong?
You need to upgrade your package or it's something wrong in the hosting. You need to contact their support.
Best way is buy your own server and setup your website on them.
Transfer to JustHost they are cheap and very fast, i am using them over 3 years and i didnt got any problems, i can give you my ref link but idk if am alowed to do that here its a good offer for both of us :)
Rent a VPS, it's not that hard to set it up. But you'll get a full control.
could just be the server that you are on that its maxed out. Or the baby plan that you have doesn't have enough resources on it to run 15 sites. You may want to look at getting a reseller account or moving over to a VPS system if you want the best performance