What happened to big buddy ?

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Oct 16, 2016
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Hey somebody knows what happened to bigbuddy ?

His account is currently under review.His services on hold himself not replying on skype or emails.......
You'll find an explanation here. A simple search to find your answer would have been better :)

If you have any issues with a service you purchased, get in touch with the BHW staff here - support.blackhatworld.com.
Am just laughing.......ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.........the bhw dumbasses are awaken that a mod cheated on them LOL.As i wrote it months ago i got banned for it even i was willing to show proof.
I wrote clearly that mods are milking and sucking the community.People should ask how Elliot,BB's customers and most important his JV's partners got cheated.And that is/was not just a practise of BB :D
5k here 7k there doesnt make a diffrence since a mod wont be shitlisted by mad partners since they know what is going to happen to their old accounts on bhw when attacking a mod.

Hey mrs apricote and i know seo who are working for the best of bhw.Didnt i told you about that months ago and offered proof which you denied?

Maybe bhw members who got scammed should ask you why ?You idiots are to stupid to recognize anything what is going on behind the scene of bhw.......and you can trust me next Mod will follow since there are other mods who are milking the community at the finest.

Like i said before bhw turned thanks to damiens and his workers stupidty to a scam board.
That what BB did isnt even the top of the iceberg.

Funny how you declared about the quality checks you are doing now for new sales thread and how even noobs asked mods how bb's totaly noob service could get approved.Of course this question was unanswered by a mod since the answer is simple.


Btw Hey Tommy how are you doing ?Weren't you already once Permabanned and got your account back with a fast upgrade as Mod ?Of course because of your great quality i guess.BTB how are you and your services doing mate ?
You want me to go on ?

Oh and to the workers from damien.You run bhw very well to get it destroyed.
Its funny once a mod gets banned how many seniors started posting about the known fact about the low quality of mods services etc...... how other sellers are trying to protect their customers against mods milking etc and most important about the massiv mods abuse to protect their scams on bhw.....which of course you always denied

Everyone sees it just you guys are to stupid for it
Happy banning loosers

Oh and btw i got banned by BTB another artist who did everything to instantly delete proof of his abuse.
But i guess since he is a Mod milking the community and abusing his status breaking all rules for banning people even being unable to state the rule somebody broke makes him the best mod of bhw
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Am just laughing.......ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.........the bhw dumbasses are awaken that a mod cheated on them LOL.As i wrote it months ago i got banned for it even i was willing to show proof.
I wrote clearly that mods are milking and sucking the community.People should ask how Elliot,BB's customers and most important his JV's partners got cheated.And that is/was not just a practise of BB :D
5k here 7k there doesnt make a diffrence since a mod wont be shitlisted by mad partners since they know what is going to happen to their old accounts on bhw when attacking a mod.

Hey mrs apricote and i know seo who are working for the best of bhw.Didnt i told you about that months ago and offered proof which you denied?

Maybe bhw members who got scammed should ask you why ?You idiots are to stupid to recognize anything what is going on behind the scene of bhw.......and you can trust me next Mod will follow since there are other mods who are milking the community at the finest.

Like i said before bhw turned thanks to damiens and his workers stupidty to a scam board.
That what BB did isnt even the top of the iceberg.

Funny how you declared about the quality checks you are doing now for new sales thread and how even noobs asked mods how bb's totaly noob service could get approved.Of course this question was unanswered by a mod since the answer is simple.


Btw Hey Tommy how are you doing ?Weren't you already once Permabanned and got your account back with a fast upgrade as Mod ?Of course because of your great quality i guess.BTB how are you and your services doing mate ?
You want me to go on ?

Happy banning loosers

Here we go again...
Just to clarify - BB's account is under review. It's something that's carried out from time to time for forum security and to ensure that the accounts are being managed properly. It's a thorough process and will take a few weeks to get through - more updates will be available then.

As for the rest of the insane rant:

Some of it's true, some of it isn't. We're human and occasionally make mistakes. Quite a few of our more respected members and mods have had warnings / infractions and even bans. The forum's been up for a long time and we all change and grow. There have been situations I haven't handled as well as I'd have liked in retrospect and I'm sure that goes for most people that've been here a while.

Regardless, the mods with service threads have their own businesses just like any other sellers. They manage it themselves - they're not bhw services. When the mods submit a thread to the marketplace, they don't get a soft review or automatic approval. If anything, we expect them to meet a higher standard.

For example, I'm sure @t0mmy would love to tell you some war stories about how many times we've put him through the wringer during review. He's been here many years, he's a mod and does a lot of advertising with us but none of this means he gets an easy ride and he's happy to step up and demonstrate his services.
The OP is a well known BANNED member that likes to create new accounts every whip around to stir up trouble, the majority of their rambling is nonsense.

They always mention my 1 week ban, neglecting to mention it was due to actually calling out a dodgey seller here that was misleading people at the time. I was young and very passionate about this forum (still am hence graduating to mod now), a little too passionate maybe as I ended up arguing with an old mod over the whole thing - that's why I got the temp ban, nothing sinister and certainly not for scamming. However unlike the OP, myself and the whole forum have moved on immensely since then.

@Apricot is spot on. The last sales thread review I had to do on this forum was INTENSE. You'd expect someone with my history and track record might get an easy ride. NOPE.. It was quite the opposite. I had to provide our highest package, RRP is over $5k. Every single post we did was detailed in that review by the approving staff member.. probably the most intense review I've been through in all my years here. However the review I got in return from the approving mod speaks volumes and was well worth it.

I believe if you're a staff member here it's your duty to set an example, especially when it comes to the market place. Granted some staff members in the past may have forgotten that, but that's a thing of the past... there are no easy rides for staff, if you're seen to be abusing or neglecting your position here then don't expect to hang around for too long.
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