Weekend Thread: What you doing, drinking, eating and planning.


Banned - Constantly insulting other members
Feb 18, 2018
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Ok so weekend is starting or has started or will start however you like to look at it..

What are peoples plans? Drinks and or Food they maybe making and or consuming?

No need to reveal all now updates or photos as weekend progresses are welcomed.

For me had a good day so Vodka.. I had a few too many beers and vodkas last weekend so I'm restricted to the soft stuff only. Not the best but its OK from the freezer as a mixer..


Easy weekend planned with no doubt some kind of pizza photos towards the end of the weekend ;)
The empty space in this box signifies the start of my weekend :)


supposed to be for the kids but I’ll just say one was missing :D

If your house is anything like mine I'll assume that was the only look-in you had / will have / would have had so I don't blame you!
BTW I ain't a fan of weekends :)
Harvest at the small family vineyard tomorrow, like every year. Good food, some stew on open fire. The weather will be nice too. :)

Sounds good! Can't beat a good harvest! :)

You know what? You actually inspired me to start a journey on this.. lol
At least it's short and I get to finish it.

I'll tag you later on.. :p

Ha! :) Good luck.