Website Review Please Urgent


Senior Member
Jul 6, 2012
Reaction score
Hi Guys..

Now i have designed this website. i.e

Content is still need to change.

Can you review this one so that i can make it more seo friendly..

suggestions please

In terms of SEO, the first thing I noticed is that the site isn't as fast as it could be. It scored a 76 out of 100 on Google's page speed tester. You can test it there and follow some of the suggestions that the site has.

I would take it easy on the meta keywords tag. You have way too many terms in there. Google doesn't even use this tag in its ranking factors and Bing actually uses it to identify spammers when it is used improperly. Only use the terms that you are targeting that page for (in this case I looked at your home page).

In you title tag, front load the tag with the most important keyword you are trying to rank for with that page. If your target keyword for that page is "online tech support", put that one first, then your next most important one then your brand name. Remember that you should keep it to 72 characters.

Your onsite copy needs some work. You need a header for the body of your content that has your target keyword in it and then your copy should be about that keyword and nothing else. Your copy seems to follow that theme however put the header in there and remove the "". Your target keyword is not well represented in the copy though. Make sure you have it in there however not too much.
Last tip I'll give you is to make your home page link no follow.

Here are some other optimization tips,


Thanks a lot... For the review... gonna correct these all mentioned errors. Thanks a ton :)
Hi Guys..

Now i have designed this website. i.e

Content is still need to change.

Can you review this one so that i can make it more seo friendly..

suggestions please

footer appears overlapping on my screen resolution in portrait...... check attached


  • screencapture_01 2013-02-01 04.00.jpg
    screencapture_01 2013-02-01 04.00.jpg
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Your title should have a capital O and your pages seem to have different text sizes imo.

Also, all your other pages dont have valid titles.
With mozilla, I'm seeing the

"For Online Technical Support Call Now: 1-877-286-0394"

with the phone number in front of the text, making it illegible.
and if you allow me, the images in the top header / banner show techs working physically on machines.... which is NOT what the website team does... this gives wrong impressions and .......
With mozilla, I'm seeing the

"For Online Technical Support Call Now: 1-877-286-0394"

with the phone number in front of the text, making it illegible.

yes, the site does not work fine with low screen resolutions. Check my screen capture a few posts earlier in this same thread.
Honestly, I wouldn't advise using a .biz domain. Very little trust in those.
The huge static footer is a huge No-No

The colors and the header graphic is another

Content looks a bit too long and doesn't compel the mind to read it

Lolled at "Slow PC Support" :). Rewrite it please...

Overall, IMO a lot needs to be done to make an impact professionally!
I would suggest you three things:

1) Remove that irritating footer, as people have already mentioned prior to me.
2) On the right side of page, there's a section "Technical support.. Call us", please remove it because it would not go down well with your readers.
3) Change the looks of your site. I found it unappealing because it appears to be childish. Sorry for being rude, but I hope you'd take it as constructive criticism.