Website Optimisation


Power Member
Sep 18, 2008
Reaction score
Hi guys

Just looking for some advice

I'm setting up a site at where I hope to show all current and upcoming football matches and games.

I'm looking for suggestions for plugins that can help optimise my site for SEO.

I'm thinking:-

Posting any scores/ updates to social media? Twitter/ Facebook etc?

Maybe any other social media or good sites for link building (open to suggestions).

Looking for a good theme for the site.

Also looking for a good optimised plug in.

The site is Wordpress. I want to use Bet 365 as an advertiser eventually. I remember seeing this mobile plugin that shows on a mobile a banner after about 10 seconds or so, which I could use.

Thanks before hand for any suggestions
Hey, I recommend using a social media post scheduling service to announce games (you can find times and dates beforehand). Several services like Postify and Hootsuite can accomplish that. Themeforest also has a lot of sports themes. Good luck!
There are many themes available in Themeforest you can try that.
Surely you can get better theme for your niche.
Go to sites that sell WordPress theme. Some of them were already mentioned by the other forum members.
Find the sports-related themes. Then rank them according to popularity or sales. Pick one of the top 3 themes that suits your liking.
Twitter is the best for sports scores since it's really fast. Use hashtags for the matches you're tweeting about to get noticed. As for SEO on your site, definitely Yoas SEO, it's really good and helps a lot.
You can try sports themes for your site..It will be better looking
Increase your social followers, use different social media platforms and keep them updated. Yoast will work great for your SEO. For sports theme, themeforest is the best place to go.
Okay, an easy place for good themes is: They have pretty much everything. For an SEO plugin, I would suggest Yoast. It has the best features. You can also use Statcounter for tracking if you prefer.
Website optimization speeds up slow web sites, increases website traffic, and improves conversion rates. Our web optimization services increase website ..
For SEO related plugins think about all in one, yoast, you also should get a caching plugin (W3). You should get an image optimizer if you'll be using photos. Maybe something like social booster too. The list can go on... oh yeah, and for the tenth time look into a different theme!
these plagins will help for managing your seo site:
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