Web 2.0 Question


Junior Member
Jul 13, 2013
Reaction score

When building backlinks to my tier 1 web 2.0s should I build the backlinks to the main domain,
or the exact location of the post with my link in it?

Edit: And how many should I build per account?

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Hey there,

You should build the backlinks to the exact location of the post with your link in it. In this case, it can promote your main domain site successfully.
Wish it will help.
You donot need to build backlinks to your main domian just build backlinks to the exact location of your post thanks

When building backlinks to my tier 1 web 2.0s should I build the backlinks to the main domain,
or the exact location of the post with my link in it?

Edit: And how many should I build per account?


Build links to both.

You mainly want the juice to be built on the blog page of the account. But any site, even web 2.0s, with natural link profiles have links going to inner pages as well. So mix them up. I send about 60% to the main page, and 40% to individual posts that contain links that go to my money page.

How many links to account? This is up to the individual but I typically send 10 T2 links to each T1 property.