Web 2.0 + link building + blog commenting Vpn

Md Jayed

Registered Member
Aug 20, 2016
Reaction score
If I visit my site using premium Vpn from Web 2 + comment etc from different countries then will I get rank on my specific keyword ?
Just visiting your website won't rank you for specific keywords. You'll need to do proper on page optimization and off page optimization.

If you're trying to target a keyword that is for a specific area, then you need to focus on local SEO and get some backlinks from people near your physical locations, in a similar niche, that own websites and are willing to spread some love lol
That's a really weird question... Do you really think visiting your website from multiple IPs will get you rank?
Doing proper On page & off- page work, it's help to increase your site visitors,
If I visit my site using premium Vpn from Web 2 + comment etc from different countries then will I get rank on my specific keyword ?
Maybe but just for very easy keyword. You need powerful links to get rank for medium-competitive keywords.