Your tumblr blog got indexed by EliteIndexer?Same here. helped to index some of them (at least for me).
It's indexed. But the new articles aren't indexed yet (it's been 2 weeks). Last time google crawled the webpage around march 2nd week and these tumblrs have backlinks too.So the tumblrs were not indexed when you bought them. I'm not surprised.
Forcing it to index is good?Same here. helped to index some of them (at least for me).
so you've linked web 2.0 on your site footer? does those web 2.0 link to the same site which you linked from the footer?I'm with these problems too. I'm trying to solve this by add the web 2.0 links to my websites footer.
Got some tumblrs with good and clean backlinks, put it up some content. its been 2 weeks still it's not indexed :/
ps: sent some social signals too (retweets, g+ shares)