Web 2.0 Account Creator / Post / Link


Regular Member
Nov 3, 2008
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I am looking for a Web 2.0 property account creator / poster that can create 100+ accounts on unique 2.0 properties, post articles / reviews/ videos and link the post back to a web page. This is not difficult work, its just time consuming. You will need access to an article spinner that can make 85-90% unique content because we only have about 25-30 unique articles / reviews that need to be used over all the properties created and each must appear unique. The videos are already posted on YouTube. I will supply the articles, you will simply create the account, spin/post the article, embed videos in about 50% of the posts and link the posts back to a website. Once completed you will provide us with a spreadsheet containing each account you created, the username and password for the account and the URL to the property/post. We have already created accounts on Tumblr, Blogger and Wordpress we are now looking for others that are PR9 or higher. I would like this done by the end of this week. Hit me up on PM with your price / terms / timeline and if I like what you have to offer we can connect on Skype to discuss further. If you have questions, hit me up on PM. Thanks!
check out gsa ser.. its best out there.. looking for others suggestion too.
You need to be more specific about these 100+ sites.

"Web 2.0" is a meaningless marketing buzzword, its nonsense.
I can do it with WAC & GSA .. I can't just PM yet so plz hit me your Skype...
You need this to be done manually? or you looking for some tool to do this work?
Added you..
I have good samples for all web 2.0 sites.
All are manual work.
i know seo tricks. so i can use meta data( description, keywords), image alt tag, etc.
i will manually submit all web 2.0 post link google index.
Its an easy job. Use fcs networker for account creation, email verification and posting job, for spinner use WordAi to get high spun and unique article.

But if you don't have a time then let me know on which specific web 2.0 sites you want to post your content.
Pm sent
please check this!!