Warrior forum - copy monkies!


Aug 3, 2012
Reaction score
They made a section called "Warrior Ask Me Anything". Seen this?!

I am damn sure the guy from freelancer who bought WaFu saw our popular AMA threads and decided to rip! What's next? PPI section, journeys, rip CEO sam thread, SE3 unleashed?

You guys gotta figure out your own unique ideas to keep your members!


woot, did she get banned? she was like #1 member of WF for ages! haha
I don't really understand the discussions about BHW vs WF - it seems that you guys don't understand what means competition and that is allowed to use any marketing techniques to revive the clients for a product. BHW as well WF are some "products" where we spend time&money so they need to keep us focused to spend in the same place :)
I really appreciated the move made by Freelancer - if will be a success depends only on them, and you just help them by indirect promoting them :)
BHW didn't invent AMAs, come on, some of you guys hate WaFo just to get other member's approval here, that's what it's beginning to feel like to me. Not trying to defend the place, but still.
Why do you guys care about that shitty low life forum?