Wanted Partners with Methods : Want a method Automated ?


Regular Member
Jul 10, 2009
Reaction score

If you have a method that works and you want it automated I may be able to help.

A few things to note:

1. I will write it in Java.
2. I will not write anything that bypasses captchas.
3. I will do proxy support if you supply the proxies.

I will reply to anyone sending me a PM. When you PM me send em the following details:

1. How long have you been using the method?
2. How much does it make a day ?
3. How long does it take you to do the method initially (setup work) ?
4. How long does it take you to do the method manually daily ?
5. Is there any startup cost or ongoing cost to implement this method ?

I will then choose and prioritize the methods I automate. This way you have not revealed the method to me without me committing to automate the solution for you.

Waiting to hear from you.