VPSWinows.biz VPS Hacked By Someone


Jul 20, 2013
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I've just purchase a cheap Windows VPS server from vpswindows.biz for two days (Fresh and no other software installed by myself). When I tried to login it by using remote desktop half an hour ago, I found it did not work. Then I used their console to connect it via VNC. I found the most shocking thing in my life: someone was controlling my server! He disabled the remote desktop and opened a few websites of traditional Chinese. I was keeping watching till he changed my admin password and logged out...

I can't believe such things, hacked and witnessed the scene!!!

I guess there must be more servers controlled by such people on their servers. They should pay attention to their security!

It is true you get what you pay for!
Didn't it just get bruteforced?

Or... maybe someone is reading your email with login information :O

Have you contacted support about it?
I have dozens of server information in my email and others keep safe
Didn't it just get bruteforced?

Or... maybe someone is reading your email with login information :O

Have you contacted support about it?

I got a response from support :

Dear sir,

I think you are right because , your VPS is installed in same Disk of another client, so we should reinstall your VPS in other Disk ,

Best Regards,

What a mistake!
In the next using a antivirus for windows servers, such kaspersky + PC Tools Firewall Outpost