Virtual Mailbox


Regular Member
May 13, 2011
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I thought this would useful for the blackhatters here. You may require an address for business so clients can contact you by mail and such. You don't want to give out your real personal address to companies or people though (because your BH, or you just like your privacy). Well anyway there's this service I just signed up for called Basically they give you a PO box at their offices for $5 (and they have trials and free months and stuff). You get to view all of your mail from their client area and I have to admit it's laid out very well. You can also add entities and stuff. They basically just scan your mail for you when it comes in your box. Also if you get a package you can have it mailed to your real address at a price.

Anyway, hope you guys find this helpful.
Nice....Being looking for such service with a cheap option, I have been coming across a much more expensive one, but if I may ask, do you know if it works for non-us resident, I mean the rest of the world.
Nice....Being looking for such service with a cheap option, I have been coming across a much more expensive one, but if I may ask, do you know if it works for non-us resident, I mean the rest of the world.

I'm a non-US citizen (I'm also a born US citizen too), works fine for me. Anybody in any country can sign up for one. If you are wondering about getting addresses of different countries well no, they only can give you a box in one country, which is the US.