VIP Membership


Regular Member
Aug 9, 2014
Reaction score
Hey guys,
I haven't been in BHW in more than 3months+ because I've been so busy..
Last year in November I paid for the VIP junior status(2014), as if it was for one year, I've never been notified that it is a yearly payment..
2 days ago I checked my Paypal Account and I saw another payment for the VIP junior status ...
I don't know for whom exactly to report that , but I want the status removed and the money back .. because I no longer use BHW (AGAIN because I have shifted my work area and im not in Marketing anymore at all ..) .. and also because BHW never notified me or said that its a recurring payment or something like that .

Thanks guys :)
Ah cmon. It says there that it's only for one year when you select the option. Also, right down below it's this: "Validity periods marked with a * indicate that this subscription is recurring. After the initial subscription period is complete, the subscription will automatically be renewed with a new charge."

So don't act as "no one told me..." bla bla. It's all right right there.
I'd agree with Aatrox - It's fairly clear that it's a recurring payment. However, if you PM me directly with the information, I can look into it for you.

Apricot's being fair on this one, because BHW does tell you it's a recurring subscription AND they even email you before charging the 97$ automatically, just to give you a heads up.
It is such a simple job to check your recurring payments in paypal and cancel the ones that you do not want to continue anymore. I know that this subscription is already paid, but that is what i would have done.
The problem is that I didn't use paypal since September because I only used it for internet marketing ..
I have pm'd you Apricot :)