Very cheap decent host for Wordpress websites?


Registered Member
Feb 5, 2015
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I went to webhostingtalk but to be honest I'm completely lost in their forum, and I don't really trust all these tiny resellers with no reviews.
I'm looking for cheap hosting for "made for Clickbank" websites, that is a few affiliate links per page and some content which I'll write myself.
Not sure which WP theme I'll use yet either.

Do you know of a good hosting company that would be reliable for a beginner? Thank you
i have hostwinds ultimate cheap and unlimited
+1 for Servinio, a cheap and decent hosting for Wordpress.
Do these websites have policies that forbid Clickbnk/Amazon aff or are these hosts fine for these websites?
Hoststage, hostwinds....see the marketplace here, there are great options.
Stablehost, Hawkhost, Crocweb.
Most hosting providers won't restrict on that CB or affiliates.
I think you free to put any links on your sites in most of the hosting providers.
I used metrohost recently, good experience and very affordable.
Well I'll need to ask them if they're fine with Clickbnk/Amazon aff first, but thank you all for the suggestions.
To be honest, I still haven't found a host I feel I can go with long-term.
I wanted crocweb but I read it's been attacked by several DD0S lately, and also the renewal fees for hosting are very high.
I don't see myself paying more than $45/year for hosting, especially if the domain name isn't included.
As for Servinio, my main concern is that I read the servers have only been up 87% of the time lately. That's... bad.
Hm, Hostgator is expensive and somewhat unreliable from what I have read on the web. Also, $66 per year is out of my price range, especially since I'll buy the domain name separately. Please kindly keep in mind I'm new to IM and my websites probably won't get more than 10 UV a day for a long time. I'll try to do good on-site SEO and make many "mini-content CB websites" but my strength will be in number of products promoted.

I only need one domain, but many subdomains, and not much bandwidth or... anything really.
I may go with crocweb, not sure yet because of the DD0S thing...
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Hm, Hostgator is expensive and somewhat unreliable from what I have read on the web. Also, $66 per year is out of my price range, especially since I'll buy the domain name separately. Please kindly keep in mind I'm new to IM and my websites probably won't get more than 10 UV a day for a long time. I'll try to do good on-site SEO and make many "mini-content CB websites" but my strength will be in number of products promoted.

I only need one domain, but many subdomains, and not much bandwidth or... anything really.
I may go with crocweb, not sure yet because of the DD0S thing...

I would suggest for you to wait for when Hostgator runs a promo, then you can go sign up. They run promotions REALLY often. I always receive emails from them about promotions and it's really a lot. From time to time, just that recently they even had the lowest amount which is I think 50% off for 3 years thats like... 100$ for 3 years... I got mine way earlier so I didn't get to catch such a good deal though.
+1 for Hostwinds. They are cheap and have great support in my experience.
Hostwinds is slightly over my budget and I didn't find a good coupon code for it but thank you for suggesting. :)
After tons of research and headaches, I've decided that I'd probably go with Stablehost. Unlimited add-ons domains and subdomains is what I need. Is 3GB bandwidth enough for text-based mini-content websites even if I host 10 or more? I think so, given that I probably won't get many UVs a day. (20-30)

Now is name dt cm fine for domains? As I want to have domain and host separate and I have a coupon for free WhoIS protection from them.
Or should I try to grab a godaddy promo for 99 cents? Do those still exist?
Hostwinds is slightly over my budget and I didn't find a good coupon code for it but thank you for suggesting. :)
After tons of research and headaches, I've decided that I'd probably go with Stablehost. Unlimited add-ons domains and subdomains is what I need. Is 3GB bandwidth enough for text-based mini-content websites even if I host 10 or more? I think so, given that I probably won't get many UVs a day. (20-30)

Now is name dt cm fine for domains? As I want to have domain and host separate and I have a coupon for free WhoIS protection from them.
Or should I try to grab a godaddy promo for 99 cents? Do those still exist?
It's 3Gb storage and unlimited bandwidth, so it'd be enough for your text base sites.
1and1 hosting is i think one of the cheapest one you can get.

They offer you a 1 year hosting plan fo 0.99$ with coupon code