Value of the Yahoo Directory


Apr 10, 2009
Reaction score

I have a question related to the Yahoo site directory. I am considering paying the $200 or so bucks to get my blog listed in it. I do have a few questions for you guys since Im lacking experience:

1. Is there any SEO value to having a link from the Y! directory? I mean does it count as a good backlink as far as Google is concerned?

2. I know both Google and Yahoo get sites to their directory from the ODP, question is, when it comes to the Y! directory, does that work in reverse as well. Do Yahoo and Google contribute listings to the ODP?


I don't know.. in my opinion, I don't think it really helps!

My competitor has his site listed in Yahoo Directory but his website PR is only 3.
I did linkwheeling, social bookmarking, video marketing and article marketing... and I'm already on PR2 easily.

And his domain is "aged".. perhaps 4-5 years or more... my domain is only a month old!

I recommend you save your yearly $200 and invest it wisely... perhaps going to the "Sevices for sale" section and look for people who are offering linkwheel service, social bookmark service, .etc
Be careful, the $299 fee is for submitting to the yahoo directory. So at least make sure and read the guidelines closely because approval is not guaranteed. I'm not saying that it's that difficult, just keep it in the back of your mind.

As for effectiveness, if you have the money, do it, if not, don't. Another way you can do it is by looking at what kind of site you have. If you are selling physical products, then yes, this would be recommended.

This is the issue for me, a lot of people say, if you have the money do it, but nobody can quantify what the benefits are from getting a Y! listing. I'm just looking for reasons :)
Yes, Listing in yahoo directory is worth it because it is a high PR directory and Google does consider it. but main issue is the high price point USD 299, if price is not the factor then it is worth spending.

Otherwise you may hire a link builder who will get you numerous links in USD 299 but they will mostly be in inner pages of high PR websites.
I have experience with Yahoo Directory. Last year, I created a blog that was brand new (domain). After adding a lot of content (quality) and submitting on every directory and building backlink nothing changed in the SERPS. So I decided to add my blog to Yahoo! Directory and immediately after they approved my blog and was added there my blog was ranking in many keywords!

I really can't say that is worth or not, because that happened last year and many links was built. What I know is that I paid to get reviewed and then I paid to be sponsor as well (for 3 months) then tried to cancel it but was IMPOSSIBLE! thanks God I used a prepaid card, after getting declined and a couple of months without paying I am still "sponsor".... Luck? You guess!
I heard somewhere recently - can't remember where - that if you get the link from Y! dir then cancel the link stays in there - they don't bother to remove you. Not tested myself though.