

Regular Member
Jun 9, 2012
Reaction score
Decided to ask around the members on Black Hat how many of you use Vagex and what your rating of it is?

How many total views would you say you've achieved using it? Do you think its better than the competitors out there? ( Ev, U2BViews, etc)

Thanks in advance.
It works good, there are various ways to get a good amount of views through vagex and one of them is not to dump all your credits into one video. I never had a problem using vagex :) I recommend it, no probs here.
add the same video multiple times to get the views faster, 2000 views/9 links/day

Decided to ask around the members on Black Hat how many of you use Vagex and what your rating of it is?

How many total views would you say you've achieved using it? Do you think its better than the competitors out there? ( Ev, U2BViews, etc)

Thanks in advance.
Vagex would be perfect if ppl used the option to login YT (fake accout, whatever) so we all received more likes and favs! I get lots of views, but not so many likes and even less favs :/
Their actualy view/credit ratio sucks. I use u2bviews now, you can get the views almost instantly.
Wasn't aware of u2bviews, seems way more mature than Vagex. Loved the option to get only likes/favs and custom comments!
If you're smart enough you will find a youtube bot that will get you MUCH more views. I have used sites like that and they have never worked well. They set limits to the amount of free views, likes, and subs you can get. Its very annoying, i would rather get legit views then use those sites.
I dislike Vagex and urge everyone to stay away from it. They do not provide views, they provide impressions in hope it may give you views. Their forums suck as you can get banned/deleted either randomly or for any sort of reason and the staff has terrible support. They have multiple ways of earning credits, but most of the time, the credits aren't worth getting. You can't have custom comments, they recently allowed you to have a limit of how many likes/favourites/subscribers you want (and even that is still broken).

They say you aren't allowed advertisement, but people still have it on their videos lol (shows how much they care). Their credits to view ratio is horribly unpredictable, and by this i mean it ranges from 5:1 to 10:1 <--I kid you not, I have spent a crap ton of credits and have gained little views. Another disadvantage is that Vagex gets your adsense banned and when your video hits below 100, they start delivering views INCREDIBLY slow, im talking 20 views a month. Its pathetic. The only advantage I would say is that it helps with building a rank in keywords.

EnhanceViews is picking itself up again but ever so slowly, if you are after views, they aren't the place, but can provide subs/favourites/likes/comments (not custom).

U2bViews takes forever to earn a credit, the forums on that website is completely dead too but I like the interface and though the video only gets watched for like 10 seconds, it makes the video look incredibly realistic but I doubt any sort of organic traffic will come flying in. Free exchanges aren't the best option right now, hence why everyone has started buying off of view sellers like SpK and Skittles <---both amazingly cool guys
I think Vagex try their best to control people with adverts on their videos. But as they don't currently have a system which detects videos with ads, people are getting away with it. With over 100k members its hard for the sites Admin to manually seek these members out.

As for Adsense, yeah thats sucky. I was the first member of Vagex to have my adsense banned and I spread the believed me!!! But after hours and hours, well...DAYS of research I figured out exactly what went wrong. But I think Adsense are too intelligent for any software to get by them. Botted views may just work because they arent the same type of views as real traffic and they dont click your ads. But the problem with Vagex is - people use the longer True View ads and set their videos to 60-200 seconds. This means that Vagex watches the whole video, and the entire advert. This counts as 1 click to adsense. If a user doesnt click " Skip this Ad " for the longer ads, Google determine that you willingly watched that video so its as good as a click to them. This gains a high CTR and BANG. Banned from Adsense either that day or the day before payout. Pain!!
I find Vagex and Enhanceviews to be the best free services for YouTube video promotion. I have been using them both for almost a year now and I am very satisfied with both of them as that is exactly how I rank my videos (slowly but it works).

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Vagex is working perfectly for me so far, I've one monetized video there in rotation but so far good (close to a month). Don't expect 1:1 ratio but more likely 1.5:1 ratio.

Also the admin page says I've got subscribers, but not seen any so far in youtube.
Also the admin page says I've got subscribers, but not seen any so far in youtube.

Yes, since Youtubes updages some of the script hasn't been working as well as usual. Ive got over 3000 through Vagex so they will come shortly. Just remember to enable subscribers on every video you upload, that way you can get up to 300 in the first day.
Thank you, subscribers started coming in. Also with respect to your previous post, are you saying that even if we set the watch time to full length of the video, still there is a huge risk in Adsense ban. One of my video is Adsense enabled.

Yes, since Youtubes updages some of the script hasn't been working as well as usual. Ive got over 3000 through Vagex so they will come shortly. Just remember to enable subscribers on every video you upload, that way you can get up to 300 in the first day.
when the RTSP Mobile views method was working days ago, i boosted videos advertising u2bviews to the front page (like 20 videos in diferent days) even thought these videos got all removed, it attracted ALLOT of people into u2bviews (around 15000+ people), right now u2bviews is being extremly faster delivering views, likes, favorites, subscribers, and the CUSTOM comments will come all on your video in a question of minutes to hours, so yeah right now tons of people are using it and the userbase is increasing again just like the old times when it was considered the best site for exchanging views, give it a try, after all you can earn credits fast, its free, and you dont lose anything at all.

In the other side:
If you have money to spend, i extremly advice you to use Viewtornado from Spk, best service to delivery views in the market, and they allways overdelivery, you will not find any service better than him.
I always thought "vagex" was some kinda of porn affiliate scheme.

(Maybe a cream for when it's all dry and crusty, that you order over the net because your too ashamed to see your doctor.)

I stand corrected.
What if we turn off True View ads, would it make the video safer with Vagex?
What if we turn off True View ads, would it make the video safer with Vagex?

Unfortunately no. Adsense are still monitoring your advertised video stats. And like I said, since the same IPs will be continuously watching your video, you will be monitored. Once they start looking into your statistics you are screwed.
You would think that since Vagex doesn't click your ads, the smaller embedded ones would be safer, I know. But it isnt just high CTRs they look for any more.
Thanks mate for confirming this. My CTR is 8% at this stage, I'll make sure the video is taken off from Vagex and try other possibilities to maintain the traffic. But on the positive side before month end my channel should be transferred to Makerstudio, as I already signed the contract and waiting for the move.

You would think that since Vagex doesn't click your ads, the smaller embedded ones would be safer, I know. But it isnt just high CTRs they look for any more.