Vagex dead?


Regular Member
Dec 10, 2010
Reaction score
Is vagex still working?
The deal is this, I know that a free membership only allow you to have 5 videos at a time, so I had just 5.
A couple of days ago I decided to change the previous 5 (the credits where not over for those 5) and deleted the current videos, so the remaining credits where given back.
But since then I couldn't add any mode videos, even though there are none active, every time I try to add a new one I get this message:

[B][COLOR=#ACFF30]Like/Subscribe/Favourite/Comment info updated [/COLOR][/B]
No video is added and no credits are taken.

I then thought is a cache bug with my free membership so I upgraded to PRO, but I still have the same issue, even now when I have unlimited videos.

Any thoughts?
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If it isn't dead yet it soon will be.

I have been selling views for a long time and the past while YouTube are really cutting down on bots and program's.
I'd try contacting the admin of Vagex, seeing as I haven't had any issues. I was able to add new videos just last night
I have over 20 videos on Vagex and they are all receiving comments/ratings/favs/sub/views. Expect 60-70% of the things you ordered to be actually delivered, which is fairly good with the new youtube.
I have over 20 videos on Vagex and they are all receiving comments/ratings/favs/sub/views. Expect 60-70% of the things you ordered to be actually delivered, which is fairly good with the new youtube.

Yeah I've noticed about the same, I use the adsense monetization to track my metrics as they update quicker than youtube views
i've had that issue for a while but all of a sudden yesterday i got 114 views and so far today i have gotten 243
Don't worry Vagex isn't dead... as long as people keep running the viewer
The same issue is happening to me. I try adding videos but they dont show up. I already contacted support yesterday but no help
works fine for me, but yes, it constantly has issues.

Vagex should change it's name to "God knows when you will get these views, but they will come eventually"
I had the same problem of videos not being added and giving the message about like/favs/subs updated, when i figured it out i felt so stupid.

it is just because the link you give for your video is wrong. to be more clear the youtube address bar sometimes displays "h.ttps://" or "h.ttp://" (Then the address) and sometimes it just displays the address without that part but when you copy it, the copy you have has the "h.ttp://" in with it, so when you come to paste it to Vagex the address box will look like this: "h.ttp://h.ttp://whateverelsecomeshere" and thus will give you that message.

I know i explained that in a very roundabout/rambling way but you get the message.

(i put the . after the h in the link description thing because the forum thinks im trying to post a link, and i'm not allowed)
Views do not work at all. hoestly. I have never relied on vagex for views
just like favs comments etc.

Their view system sucks. Maybe when they get everyone updated it would
be nice but even the likes and fav system is extremely slow and the ROI
is not there when trading credits for likes etc. Cost too much. I hope they
get everyone updated soon. BEcause they're making great money from the