Using f4f to build a follower base


Feb 22, 2015
Reaction score
Hi, I started my account a few days ago and i've got ~400 followers, and i'm active in my particular niche. So far, all of my followers are from that niche, and I know it's best to keep it that way, but I'm just wondering if I mass followed f4f accounts to get myself a follower base of maybe 1-2k and then went back to targeting niche specific followers once i'm bigger, making them more likely to follow.

I'd appreciate your thoughts on this
Yeah, that would work. Pretty simple, if you see someone who looks of relevance or has a big following, you're more likely to follow that person. Would you follow someone with 2000 followers or 20000? So yeah, not a bad plan at all! Some purchase 5,000 or so start off followers to look more "official" or distinguished. But you can gather 5000 or so from one or two max following runs. Best of luck!
That doesn't sound like a bad idea OP. As long as you go back following your niche followers you'll be alright