Using expired after auction


Apr 19, 2020
Reaction score
I've bought my first auction expired (dropped) domain couple days ago on dropcatch (namebright).
I want to transfer it on new registrar for hosting.
Concerning transfers, the ones i'm used to use mentions that :
- "domain must exist for at least 60 days"
- "domain must still be valid during the launch of the transfer (impossible to transfer an expired domain for example)"
Whois gives a creation date occurring last week (the domain exist for years).

Do I miss something or I really need to wait for 60 days before being able to transfer my domain?
Is there a way to use my domain now?
you can host it anywhere by changing the nameservers.

you will be able to transfer it to another registrar after a given time period (60 days in your case), but that has nothing to do with hosting.
you can host it anywhere by changing the nameservers.

you will be able to transfer it to another registrar after a given time period (60 days in your case), but that has nothing to do with hosting.
Thank you.
Pretty much every auction domain is auction locked for 60 days after the purchase.

Reason being, that whenever you change the domain owner, the auction lock resets. Some registrars give you an option to opt out of this when you push the domain to a different account, but as a rule of thumb, they will always be locked.

With most registrars you can still push them to a different account within the same registrar. Namebright, where your domain currently is, since you won it via Dropcatch, has the option to be pushed into a different account.

They also give you an option to opt out of the 60 day lock if you decide to push it.

Creation date is irrelevant. Only people caring about the domain creation date, as in, first registration date of the domain, are SEO mental athletes, running naked in grass during full moon and sacrificing young ducklings to Zeus, who believe that first registration date has an actual impact on SEO.

... yeh it does not.