User Damnit refuses to pay after work was completed. $39 owed.

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Apr 30, 2011
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I've been writing for BHW members for years. I was hired to write a construction manual by the user: "damnit"
I contacted him through this thread for binary options articles and he instead hired me to write the manual over skype

He served as the middle man. I wasn't able to talk to the client directly to find out the full details of what he was looking for. This led to a lot of misunderstandings. the client was unhappy at times due to this. It was completely out of my control as I could only go by what user Damnit gave to me. I was given a very brief outline and asked to write in detail about those general topics. After I submitted the frst draft, I was sometimes asked to write more on specific topics or add in new topics that were not mentioned before. Other times I was told they will not be using large sections of the text. Again, I didn't have a lot to go on as far as what the client wanted since I was not able to ask them directly. He did pay for the edits so I was okay with it.

For the last two sections, I was asked by user Damnit to rewrite specific pages in this manual
I did exactly that. He and the client were happy with the first section I rewrote (7 pages) and paid me $42.

[2/11/2015 725 PM] Florian Ionescu: I'm going to sleep now. The section you wrote was very good
[2/11/2015 738 PM] Florian Ionescu: Keep going with other section
[2/11/2015 754 PM] Florian Ionescu: sections*
[2/11/2015 708 PM] Florian Ionescu: write as much as you can
[2/11/2015 722 PM] Florian Ionescu: Thanks and have a good day

We did most of our communication over Skype. This was out brief email exchange after he removed me as a contact over Skype earlier today.

I am looking through the BHW Shitless thread guidelines right now. I have to ask again you are refusing to pay me for the work I did and notify you that I am creating a thread for this.

You can create a thread. I have people i work with that will tell their honest opinion about me.

That doesn't change the fact that you are refusing to pay me for the work that I did. You owe me this money regardless of your interactions with others.

I never pay for something i'm not using. Stop emailing me.

If I had known not being paid for work that I did was a possibility I would have never began writing for him.

The Skype chat log is lengthy. It is mostly us talking about the work needed. I tried to take out the fluff and work stuff.
I can post the full logs if needed. Mods, please let me know.

[12/20/2014 12:56:19 AM] Frank: I charge upfront. Are you ok with that?
[12/20/2014 12:58:32 AM] Florian Ionescu: I don't pay upfront. I can make you after each article is submitted unitl you can trust that I pay everytime

[12/23/2014 1147 AM] Frank: Upfront payment for this as we talked about
[12/23/2014 1125 AM] Florian Ionescu: Sure. Will you start working on it now?

[1/3/2015 1:16:57 AM] Florian Ionescu: This client has a great reputation and he is very fun to work with
[1/3/2015 107 AM] Florian Ionescu: I won't charge him uprfront
[1/3/2015 114 AM] Florian Ionescu: I never charge upfront
[1/3/2015 139 AM] Frank: Ok, sucks for me then I guess
[1/3/2015 155 AM] Florian Ionescu: You will be paid for every penny

[2/2/2015 251 PM] Florian Ionescu: check what i sent you before
[2/2/2015 259 PM] Florian Ionescu: i sent you a guide
[2/2/2015 2:38:11 PM] Florian Ionescu: See the messages above from the last link
[2/2/2015 2:39:32 PM] Frank: This? I didn't get that until AFTER I wrote everything....
[2/2/2015 2:39:45 PM] Florian Ionescu: Yes
[2/2/2015 2:39:46 PM] Florian Ionescu: I know
[2/2/2015 2:39:49 PM] Frank: so...
[2/2/2015 2:40:01 PM] Florian Ionescu: You're right
[2/2/2015 2:40:47 PM] Frank: If I get this information BEFORE, I can do it that way, obviously. This has happened for every section so far
[2/2/2015 2:41:18 PM] Florian Ionescu: Please write it using the info from that guide and what's in the message below that link
[2/2/2015 2:42:13 PM] Frank: Ok but then what happens for the next section? Because I have a feeling the exact same thing will happen
[2/2/2015 2:42:39 PM] Florian Ionescu: i will ask for every detail needed before writing
[2/2/2015 2:42:55 PM] Frank: Ok but you said that last time and that didnt happen
[2/2/2015 2:43:19 PM] Florian Ionescu: sorry for that but won't happen again
[2/2/2015 2:43:30 PM] Florian Ionescu: i was very busy with school to, i was messed up

[2/2/2015 344 PM | Edited 353 PM] Frank: I am starting over completely. I am basically rewriting pages 29-31 from this link and nothing beyond that. Is that correct?
[2/2/2015 310 PM] Florian Ionescu: correct

[2/2/2015 524 PM] Frank: I am emailing it to you now. Check it over. I rewrote the link that you sent me point by point. I did not include any additional information beyond what was in the link that I used.

[2/11/2015 725 PM] Florian Ionescu: I'm going to sleep now. The section you wrote was very good
[2/11/2015 738 PM] Florian Ionescu: Keep going with other section
[2/11/2015 754 PM] Florian Ionescu: sections*
[2/11/2015 708 PM] Florian Ionescu: write as much as you can
[2/11/2015 722 PM] Florian Ionescu: Thanks and have a good day

[2/13/2015 248 PM] Frank: I'm guessing there will be about 7 pages
[2/13/2015 202 PM] Frank: Eliminating the graphs took down my earnings a lot
[2/13/2015 238 PM] Florian Ionescu: Then please do them asap so I can give you more work
[2/13/2015 253 PM] Frank: Ok
[2/14/2015 334 AM] Frank: just emeiled 2 sections over
[2/14/2015 336 AM] Frank: (e)
[2/14/2015 358 AM] Frank: $39 owed

[244 AM] Frank: Hey
[217 AM] Florian Ionescu: Hi Frank
[225 AM] Frank: 39 owed
[234 AM] Frank: 2 days ago
[237 AM] Florian Ionescu: I'm waiting for my client to go online to check the work and then I will send the payment. don't worry
[246 AM] Florian Ionescu: my client doesn't log in during weekends
[253 AM] Frank: You are suppose to pay me before I write
[212 AM] Florian Ionescu: I don't have funds right now. Don't worry about the payment
[217 AM] Frank: Alright
[233 AM] Florian Ionescu: Meanwhile, you can go ahead and write more section
[202 AM] Frank: Ya ok thanks
[900 AM] Florian Ionescu: u there?
[1059 AM] Frank: Hi
[10:39:08 AM] Florian Ionescu: "YOU ARE FIRED" this is what my client said
[10:39:27 AM] Frank: Lol what
[10:39:48 AM] Frank: I did the exact same thing as last time where you said it was perfect
[10:40:00 AM] Florian Ionescu: This time you didn't
[10:40:07 AM] Frank: I absolutely did
[10:40:24 AM] Frank: I rewrote each section in both cases
[10:40:31 AM] Frank: Like you told me to do

[10:49:37 AM] Frank: You owe me $39 and this will be the end of it I guess
[10:50:09 AM] Florian Ionescu: I won't pay anything. That's why I never liked paying you upfront. This client was a good one and a fair one.
I always paid him for the work that was accepted. I used to pay him upfront for everything, but everytime there were needed edits. Once, I lost money because the work was not good. Still, I kept working with him and always paid, until the last time when the writing he did was not good and I got fired. I refused to pay because the work was not good. As I told him in his email, I never pay for work I won't use. As stated before, I paid him once for something I didn't use (when I paid him upfront). No matter what, I won't pay for the last work he did.

Some questions to formulate a base:

a) In your opinion, are the logs posted above accurate? Are there any more you feel that need to be posted to give a clearer picture?

b) Are you on a JV basis or on a customer-vendor basis? I.e. did he work for you or did you both work for the third-party client?
1. I don't have time to check each log, but I can tell you that he was always late with work and this time I had enough.
2. He was writing for me and everything he wrote was check by my client until the work was not good. How am I supposed to pay for something I won't use? I can show you Paypal transactions so you can see that I sent him a good amount of money until now.
After reviewing the logs and the responses, it is clear to me that @damnit is fully responsible to pay the owed amount of $39 to the OP for work ordered and delivered.

This was clearly not a JV. @damnit is the client in this transaction and what he does with his own clients is his own business. I feel that @damnit 's client pulled a fast one of him and he's trying to pass the burden to the OP. Obviously, this is not an acceptable practice. In the case you really feel that the latest deliverable was not up to par with the previous ones, I am willing to review it out myself and re-evaluate this decision accordingly.

I expect the payment to be done within 48 hours unless otherwise agreed by the two parties.
I am happy to provide the full chat log, screen shots of the logs or the work that I did for him.

1. I don't have time to check each log, but I can tell you that he was always late with work and this time I had enough.
2. He was writing for me and everything he wrote was check by my client until the work was not good. How am I supposed to pay for something I won't use? I can show you Paypal transactions so you can see that I sent him a good amount of money until now.

Both of us were late on several occasions. I think the logs clearly show that he was not upset with my delivery time and was planning to continue working with me. It was a case where I think he just wanted the work done as quickly as possible which I think is understandable.

He did pay for all of the work and edits up until this last section. He was suppose to pay upfront but wasn't always able to. He said he didn't charge his client upfront and didn't always have the extra funds on hand. He was late with payments as often as I was late with delivery.

It was never mentioned that I would not be payed for work that his client did not accept. Again, there is no way I would have took on this job if I had known this was a possibility.
Thanks. I offered him to settle for half too. Oh well. I have a feeling he may have just made a new account. Here is the rest of his info in case he pops up again somewhere.

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