URGENT: Need to lower converison rates, HELP!


Senior Member
Sep 14, 2008
Reaction score
Hello guys,

I had applied to a couple of networks and was accepted to one a couple of days ago. I launched a test campaign with very little traffic supply and I got 6 clicks, 3 conversions on an offer which is a 50% coversion rate. I just did not expect this at all. I know I have to get crappy traffic somewhere. Can anybody body recommend a traffic exchange site that is cheap, accepts DMR redirects and can do the job?

I hope this doesn't raise eye brows before I can get it solved.

There are some people selling decent traffic (US/UK) trafic right here on the board, which probably won't convert, but it looks good to lower your conversions.


Edit: Sorry don't know about the DMR redirects.
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Was your traffic white or black hat? If whitehat you have nothing to worry about if blackhat... well

Do NOT spam crap traffic onto the page now. It will raise even more red flags if your offer first converted 50% and then suddenly drops down to 0.05%. Lower the convertion rate step by step. If you overdo it with lowering it you will just get flagged straight away. With only 6 clicks and 3 convertions its not too late as you could have been insanely lucky at the beginning. Just bring it down with sending like 15 clicks in next of which 3 convert and than 30 clicks and 4 convert and so on.
Yeah, I know 6 clicks and 3 conversions won't cause trouble, initially. I may have gotten lucky but it scared me seeing '50% conversion rate' so I thought of doing something about it before it's too late.

@ ElusiveHat

Yes, I think I'll do that since I'm still at the early stages.

@ darkface

It was blackhat traffic.

@ Lukedell

Thanks a lot, I just checked it out and it looks pretty cool. The problem is it does not provide an option to specify how much visitors can I cap per day / per hour and most importantly, it says no redirected, rotated or forwareded traffic. So my DMRed sites. So my DMRed page wouldn't be accepted, right? I stumbled upon clicksagent.com and it seemed to allow almost everything, it also allows me to cap daily / hourly traffic but it does not support stupid paypal:(. That's way I'll go with your suggestion, ElusiveHat and I would appreciate any other suggestions as well.

Thanks! :)