unpublished page

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Apr 30, 2014
Reaction score
I have 294K FB page and page of 164K unpublished by Facebook
I appeal to Facebook they said 20 pieces have been dropped since last 3 month
and page cant be republished
I don't remember that 20 pieces dropped
The page had very good traffic before
Today my second page of 164K also unpublished
Thats so bad two pages unpublished within one month

Before pages unpublished some one sent me private message told me that my page will be unpublished in two days

I cant reconize whats happened

I would like to ask

is it possible that some one don't like your pages so he report it to Facebook by using some kind of application or software so it can be unpublished

Is it possible to republish the pages if Facebook refuse republish it again

And how much that will cost

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and what you posted on your page? facebook must have some reason to unpublish/ban.
well depends but to un-publish page with 164k likes it would need mass reporting. so there must be some other reason..i think you must have shared other pages too much.
If they were Adult niche related niche I don't think you are getting your pages back . On any other niche you can try sending message to facebook support team to review your pages and republish them again.
"Before pages unpublished some one sent me private message told me that my page will be unpublished in two days"

Who was the person? Have your page posted something that against their TOS? (since you said your page is about political, maybe a hate post?)

Have you ever bought "LIKES"? (Apart from fb ads, fiverr or from here maybe?)
Thn did you posted any Hate Speech or something kind of stuff ? They wont unpublish page just for some 10-20 reports, there must be some other reason too. Contact thm again. Well there are less chances of getting them published, But give it a try.
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