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Uniqueizing video with ffmpeg | My experience in creating YouTube Doorways


Registered Member
Dec 16, 2020
Reaction score
This post was prepared as an answer to a question in this thread.
But I decided to create a new one for the opportunity to supplement or make a series of posts on this topic of my experience with YouTube.
Everything written is my subjective experience and if you do not agree, please speak in the comments.

The topic with video uniqueness is very large and there won't be a simple answer here. But I will try to explain how it works and what settings you should try.

Globally, video verification in social networks and video hosting can be divided into two parts.
- Artificial intelligence, machine learning and live moderators. Typically, these methods are aimed at identifying inappropriate content (porn, blood, etc.) and copyrighted content.
- Methods that usually analyze the technical parameters of the video (including the hash sum).

I have good experience with the second methods, I will talk more about them. The work on changing the video code can also be divided into two important areas.

1. The first is the settings for recording the very information in the video. We are talking about rendering, video bitrate, audio bitrate, fame rate and constant rate factor (-crf).

2. The second direction is the change in the content of the video is imperceptible to the average user. Mirroring, Brightness, Contrast, Intro additions, gluing random parts of the video, etc.

Depending on the complexity of the task (the number of videos you want to download and the original ones), the number of settings will increase. Here are the tips arranged in order of increasing complexity of the task and the service you want to cheat.

1. Everywhere start by re-rendering your file. The fact is that this action requires little time and resources of the computer, but at the same time it allows you to get a rather unique hash sum without changing the content of the video, since the pixels will be overwritten in an arbitrary order.

2. Set a random Bitrate value. The most powerful tool in unique video is the bitrate, so it determines how much information will be recorded per second of the video and the weight of the final file. In my experience, it was this parameter that allowed us to achieve significant results. The more you want to get copies, the more you need to set the Bitrate range (for example, from 2M to 8M) with a step of 1M for each new video. 2M, 3M, 4M, 5M, 6M, 7M, 8M ...
For those who did not know, this parameter also accepts fractional numbers. For example, you can set the Video Bitrate "-b: v 6.5M".

3. Adding Brightness and Contrast. In this step, we are strengthening the 1st and 2nd method as we start to modify the content of the video but without much effort and harm to the video itself. The Brightness parameter (-vf eq = brightness =) takes a value from -1 to 1. I recommend the range from -0.2 to 0.2, since with large deviations from 0, the effects noticeably spoil the picture. In my templates, I set the generation of a random value to the recommended range with a step of 0.02. For example -0.2, -0.18, -0.16, -0.14 ...

The Contrast parameter (-vf eq = contrast =) takes values from -1000 to 1000. I recommend a range from -1 to 1. And a step of 0.2. -1, -0.8, -0.6, -0.4 ...

In my experience with YouTube, steps of 0.02 and 0.2 are sufficient to not be visible to the human eye, but significantly increase the uniqueness of the video in the eyes of the machine.

4. Change video length and add Intro. Using YouTube as an example, it turned out to significantly increase the number of copies from one file if we add a randomly prepared Intro from 4 seconds to 7 at the beginning of the video. For the intro, it is enough to make a picture, logo or an introductory animation (I did it in after effects). Make 3-5 of these and randomly glue to your main video. As a bonus, this will change the length of the video from the original.

This is enough to solve 90% of the problem and the final line would look like this.

ffmpeg -i "C:\Users\User\Desktop\Intro.mp4" -acodec copy -vcodec copy -vbsf h264_mp4toannexb -f mpegts "C:\Users\User\Desktop\Intro.ts"
ffmpeg -i "C:\Users\User\Desktop\Video.mp4" -acodec copy -vcodec copy -vbsf h264_mp4toannexb -f mpegts "C:\Users\User\Desktop\Video.ts"
ffmpeg -i "concat:C:\Users\User\Desktop\Intro.ts|C:\Users\User\Desktop\Video.ts" -s 1280x720 -b:v 6.5M -vf eq = brightness = 0.02 -vf eq = contrast = 0.8 "C:\Users\User\Desktop\VideoNew.mp4"

5. If this is not enough for your tasks then the next step is to generate a random Frame rate (-r) and Constant Rate Factor (-crf).

The value of the Frame rate should be set depending on the dynamics of your video, the power of your computer and the desired video weight. I do not recommend setting less than 30, as even with a slow slide show it looks noticeably bad. The higher the value, the more frames you need to render, which affects the render speed and the weight of the final file.

The -crf parameter takes values from 0 to 51 and it is he who is responsible for the video quality. But we are interested in the range from 18 to 28. 18 is better quality but more weight and 28 is worse quality but less file weight and the default value is 23.

ffmpeg -i "C:\Users\User\Desktop\Intro.mp4" -acodec copy -vcodec copy -vbsf h264_mp4toannexb -f mpegts "C:\Users\User\Desktop\Intro.ts"
ffmpeg -i "C:\Users\User\Desktop\Video.mp4" -acodec copy -vcodec copy -vbsf h264_mp4toannexb -f mpegts "C:\Users\User\Desktop\Video.ts"
ffmpeg -i "concat:C:\Users\User\Desktop\Intro.ts|C:\Users\User\Desktop\Video.ts" -s 1280x720 -r 30 -crf 28 -b:v 6.5M -vf eq=brightness=0.02 -vf eq=contrast=0.8 "C:\Users\User\Desktop\VideoNew.mp4"
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Thank you for this valuable information,
I was on TikTok forum watching that thread about making TikTok Videos Unique and found your thread!

You are a legend.
what about audio. how do you modify it?
I think the head with audio requires special attention, but I have no needs to dive deeply into it. I can only give a few tips.
1. You can change the Audio Bitrate (-b:a 320k | 256k | 192k) which should make it unique but can greatly change the weight of the audio file depending on the value you set.

2. If I often use some kind of soundtrack for the background, just in case I change the volume in them + - 10% and change the length. I can't say how effective it is, but I'm doing it just for my own peace of mind.

The main system I'm using looks like the image below.


First, it is randomly taken from the pre-prepared main video + Random Intro + Random Audio.

I worked more on video side by side but not on audio. If someone knows about this, I will be more glad to hear new opinions.
what kind of content are you uploading? how to do the keyword research for this?
what kind of content are you uploading? how to do the keyword research for this?
These were usually short CPA videos. To research keywords on Google, I use the neilpatel service, and for YouTube tags, vidIQ.
So if i want to generate about 1000 unique video. How can i do that ? will random intro + outro + logo work ?
thankyou very much :)
Interesting, can PowerDirector 19 do the job ?
Never came across this program. In fact, almost any editor with flexible settings for the end file can be suitable. But the problem is that each video you have to configure manually. The advantage of ffmpeg is its automation capabilities. I plan to make another post on this topic, but I do not yet know how detailed it is to do, since part of the experience is related to the use of some programs, the power of my computer and the scale.
So if i want to generate about 1000 unique video. How can i do that ? will random intro + outro + logo work ?
thankyou very much :)
This is a real goal. I was able to create and upload 600 videos in 24 hours.

1. Adding Intro will definitely help. I recommend doing more than one, but let's say 5-15 different lengths. Let's say 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s. For each new video, you should choose an Intro from the list at random.

2. Adding Outro should also help and I have practiced it but did not notice a very positive effect like from Intro. If it will not cost you a lot of effort, you can create 5-15 Outro and also add it randomly. In fact, you can use online services and make yourself 10 Intros and 10 Outros for 20-30 minutes.

3. This will not be enough to create hundreds (especially thousands) of videos. You should change the video recording parameters. Bit rate, frame rate, Brightness, Contrast, Constant Rate Factor (-crf).

Create containers in advance with the "ts" extension for Intro, Outro and the main video in this form.

ffmpeg -i "C:\Users\User\Desktop\Intro.mp4" -acodec copy -vcodec copy -vbsf h264_mp4toannexb -f mpegts "C:\Users\User\Desktop\Intro.ts"

Next, you need to take the last part of the ffmpeg command from my article and substitute random values.

ffmpeg -i "concat:C:\Users\User\Desktop\Intro.ts|C:\Users\User\Desktop\Video.ts" -s 1280x720 -r 30 -crf 28 -b:v 6.5M -vf eq=brightness=0.02 -vf eq=contrast=0.8 "C:\Users\User\Desktop\VideoNew.mp4"

In square brackets, I will indicate the places where to substitute values for random values.

ffmpeg -i "concat:[Intro]|[Video]" -s 1280x720 -r [Frame rate] -crf [crf] -b:v [Video bitrate] -vf eq=brightness=[Brightness] -vf eq=contrast=[Contrast] "[Path to save new video]"
This post was prepared as an answer to a question in this thread.
But I decided to create a new one for the opportunity to supplement or make a series of posts on this topic of my experience with YouTube.
Everything written is my subjective experience and if you do not agree, please speak in the comments.

The topic with video uniqueness is very large and there won't be a simple answer here. But I will try to explain how it works and what settings you should try.

Globally, video verification in social networks and video hosting can be divided into two parts.
- Artificial intelligence, machine learning and live moderators. Typically, these methods are aimed at identifying inappropriate content (porn, blood, etc.) and copyrighted content.
- Methods that usually analyze the technical parameters of the video (including the hash sum).

I have good experience with the second methods, I will talk more about them. The work on changing the video code can also be divided into two important areas.

1. The first is the settings for recording the very information in the video. We are talking about rendering, video bitrate, audio bitrate, fame rate and constant rate factor (-crf).

2. The second direction is the change in the content of the video is imperceptible to the average user. Mirroring, Brightness, Contrast, Intro additions, gluing random parts of the video, etc.

Depending on the complexity of the task (the number of videos you want to download and the original ones), the number of settings will increase. Here are the tips arranged in order of increasing complexity of the task and the service you want to cheat.

1. Everywhere start by re-rendering your file. The fact is that this action requires little time and resources of the computer, but at the same time it allows you to get a rather unique hash sum without changing the content of the video, since the pixels will be overwritten in an arbitrary order.

2. Set a random Bitrate value. The most powerful tool in unique video is the bitrate, so it determines how much information will be recorded per second of the video and the weight of the final file. In my experience, it was this parameter that allowed us to achieve significant results. The more you want to get copies, the more you need to set the Bitrate range (for example, from 2M to 8M) with a step of 1M for each new video. 2M, 3M, 4M, 5M, 6M, 7M, 8M ...
For those who did not know, this parameter also accepts fractional numbers. For example, you can set the Video Bitrate "-b: v 6.5M".

3. Adding Brightness and Contrast. In this step, we are strengthening the 1st and 2nd method as we start to modify the content of the video but without much effort and harm to the video itself. The Brightness parameter (-vf eq = brightness =) takes a value from -1 to 1. I recommend the range from -0.2 to 0.2, since with large deviations from 0, the effects noticeably spoil the picture. In my templates, I set the generation of a random value to the recommended range with a step of 0.02. For example -0.2, -0.18, -0.16, -0.14 ...

The Contrast parameter (-vf eq = contrast =) takes values from -1000 to 1000. I recommend a range from -1 to 1. And a step of 0.2. -1, -0.8, -0.6, -0.4 ...

In my experience with YouTube, steps of 0.02 and 0.2 are sufficient to not be visible to the human eye, but significantly increase the uniqueness of the video in the eyes of the machine.

4. Change video length and add Intro. Using YouTube as an example, it turned out to significantly increase the number of copies from one file if we add a randomly prepared Intro from 4 seconds to 7 at the beginning of the video. For the intro, it is enough to make a picture, logo or an introductory animation (I did it in after effects). Make 3-5 of these and randomly glue to your main video. As a bonus, this will change the length of the video from the original.

This is enough to solve 90% of the problem and the final line would look like this.

ffmpeg -i "C:\Users\User\Desktop\Intro.mp4" -acodec copy -vcodec copy -vbsf h264_mp4toannexb -f mpegts "C:\Users\User\Desktop\Intro.ts"
ffmpeg -i "C:\Users\User\Desktop\Video.mp4" -acodec copy -vcodec copy -vbsf h264_mp4toannexb -f mpegts "C:\Users\User\Desktop\Video.ts"
ffmpeg -i "concat:C:\Users\User\Desktop\Intro.ts|C:\Users\User\Desktop\Video.ts" -s 1280x720 -b:v 6.5M -vf eq = brightness = 0.02 -vf eq = contrast = 0.8 "C:\Users\User\Desktop\VideoNew.mp4"

5. If this is not enough for your tasks then the next step is to generate a random Frame rate (-r) and Constant Rate Factor (-crf).

The value of the Frame rate should be set depending on the dynamics of your video, the power of your computer and the desired video weight. I do not recommend setting less than 30, as even with a slow slide show it looks noticeably bad. The higher the value, the more frames you need to render, which affects the render speed and the weight of the final file.

The -crf parameter takes values from 0 to 51 and it is he who is responsible for the video quality. But we are interested in the range from 18 to 28. 18 is better quality but more weight and 28 is worse quality but less file weight and the default value is 23.

ffmpeg -i "C:\Users\User\Desktop\Intro.mp4" -acodec copy -vcodec copy -vbsf h264_mp4toannexb -f mpegts "C:\Users\User\Desktop\Intro.ts"
ffmpeg -i "C:\Users\User\Desktop\Video.mp4" -acodec copy -vcodec copy -vbsf h264_mp4toannexb -f mpegts "C:\Users\User\Desktop\Video.ts"
ffmpeg -i "concat:C:\Users\User\Desktop\Intro.ts|C:\Users\User\Desktop\Video.ts" -s 1280x720 -r 30 -crf 28 -b:v 6.5M -vf eq=brightness=0.02 -vf eq=contrast=0.8 "C:\Users\User\Desktop\VideoNew.mp4"

Hey thanks for the fantastic insights. I have some questions if you don’t mind. These questions are from one of my clients, we are social managers for him:

1. Regarding the re-rendering, our client uses the blaster suite (mass video spinner) will that implement the points you made regarding the:
Unique hash sum (how can we check this), video bitrate, audio bitrate, fame rate and constant rate factor (-crf) - How can we check if the random
Bit-rate has been changed from the original video once spun, a lot of what you mentioned isn’t understood but can be checked via Google of course, but I was given the task to ask you directly on the off chance that you have used Camtasia and the spinner before

2. The client uses Camtasia to edit so changing the brightness, contrast, volume etc shouldn’t be a big issue. Unsure what Mirroring is though could you explain that please. And an intro clip can be added along with some random image at the end too. I assume that should be enough?

3. You mention about audio bit-rate, inside camtasia you can simple adjust the sound setting is that enough, how can you know if it’s changed to what you suggested: Bitrate (-b:a 320k | 256k | 192k)

4. Adding the background music makes sense and there are tons of free sites to get them, so that’s all good.

5. Regarding outro’s would an image do the job?

Thanks so much!
Hey thanks for the fantastic insights. I have some questions if you don’t mind. These questions are from one of my clients, we are social managers for him:

1. Regarding the re-rendering, our client uses the blaster suite (mass video spinner) will that implement the points you made regarding the:
Unique hash sum (how can we check this), video bitrate, audio bitrate, fame rate and constant rate factor (-crf) - How can we check if the random
Bit-rate has been changed from the original video once spun, a lot of what you mentioned isn’t understood but can be checked via Google of course, but I was given the task to ask you directly on the off chance that you have used Camtasia and the spinner before

2. The client uses Camtasia to edit so changing the brightness, contrast, volume etc shouldn’t be a big issue. Unsure what Mirroring is though could you explain that please. And an intro clip can be added along with some random image at the end too. I assume that should be enough?

3. You mention about audio bit-rate, inside camtasia you can simple adjust the sound setting is that enough, how can you know if it’s changed to what you suggested: Bitrate (-b:a 320k | 256k | 192k)

4. Adding the background music makes sense and there are tons of free sites to get them, so that’s all good.

5. Regarding outro’s would an image do the job?

Thanks so much!
I apologize in advance for the possible distortion of the meaning due to the translation. English is not my native language.

1.1 The hash sum will be changed even if you change one pixel in your video. The fact is that video, like other files (word, txt, mp3, jpeg, etc.), is a set of 0 and 1 on your computer. Even a small image converted to a binary format will have a huge length and little comprehensible to humans, and large files will consist of a cosmic number of 0 and 1. And with every minor change in the file (a comma in a Word file or a changed pixel in jpeg), it will lead to a significant change in this chain.

To make it easier for the computer (especially for people) to see the fact of making a change in the file structure to the binary format (correct me if I'm wrong), the so-called "hash function" is used, which translates into a shorter and more understandable string. Such a string (hash sum) might look like this "25f9e794323b453885f5181f1b624d0b".

The hash function has two features that interest us.
a) Applying the same hash function to the same input data, you will receive the same line. If 5 people are applied to the word "YouTube" function md5, then all of them will receive the string "8dd1bae8da2e2408210d0656fbe6b7d1". You can check)
b) Any even the smallest change in the input data will immediately affect the change in the hash sum.

I will leave links to articles on Wikipedia below.

1.2 Microsoft Windows users can see the dimensions of a video file by viewing the file summary. To do this, follow these steps.

a) Highlight the video file.
b) Right-click the file and click Properties.
c) Click the Details or Summary tab.
d) In the "Details" section in the "Video" section, you will see all the main video parameters.


2.1 I had no experience with Camtasia. Most video editors are good for this task, but the problem is that you have to create each file manually. For automation, the best option I know is ffmpeg. You can significantly save the resources of your computer or server by using flexible settings for the video itself and automation. I plan to make a separate post on this topic.

2.2 "Mirroring" is probably a bad translation. It is about reflection your picture. I personally do not use this method as it affects the video event and does not have as significant an effect as other settings.


2.3 Intro can greatly improve the situation. Outro should only be done if it is necessary by topic or video format, or if it does not take a lot of your time.

3.1 I have little experience with audio, but I think setting the volume is a good option. I used it myself but did not notice a big difference. I did it for my peace of mind)

3.2 You can view the audio bitrate in paragraph 1.2

4. You can choose any music you like. Just using tracks from the YouTube library, you can be sure that you do not violate copyright and your video will not have a problem with this (with the copyright for audio).

5. Yes, of course. I usually inserted just a picture converted into a video 4-7 seconds long.

I hope I was able to help you. If you have any more questions, you can ask)
I apologize in advance for the possible distortion of the meaning due to the translation. English is not my native language.

1.1 The hash sum will be changed even if you change one pixel in your video. The fact is that video, like other files (word, txt, mp3, jpeg, etc.), is a set of 0 and 1 on your computer. Even a small image converted to a binary format will have a huge length and little comprehensible to humans, and large files will consist of a cosmic number of 0 and 1. And with every minor change in the file (a comma in a Word file or a changed pixel in jpeg), it will lead to a significant change in this chain.

To make it easier for the computer (especially for people) to see the fact of making a change in the file structure to the binary format (correct me if I'm wrong), the so-called "hash function" is used, which translates into a shorter and more understandable string. Such a string (hash sum) might look like this "25f9e794323b453885f5181f1b624d0b".

The hash function has two features that interest us.
a) Applying the same hash function to the same input data, you will receive the same line. If 5 people are applied to the word "YouTube" function md5, then all of them will receive the string "8dd1bae8da2e2408210d0656fbe6b7d1". You can check)
b) Any even the smallest change in the input data will immediately affect the change in the hash sum.

I will leave links to articles on Wikipedia below.

1.2 Microsoft Windows users can see the dimensions of a video file by viewing the file summary. To do this, follow these steps.

a) Highlight the video file.
b) Right-click the file and click Properties.
c) Click the Details or Summary tab.
d) In the "Details" section in the "Video" section, you will see all the main video parameters.

View attachment 179257

2.1 I had no experience with Camtasia. Most video editors are good for this task, but the problem is that you have to create each file manually. For automation, the best option I know is ffmpeg. You can significantly save the resources of your computer or server by using flexible settings for the video itself and automation. I plan to make a separate post on this topic.

2.2 "Mirroring" is probably a bad translation. It is about reflection your picture. I personally do not use this method as it affects the video event and does not have as significant an effect as other settings.

View attachment 179258

2.3 Intro can greatly improve the situation. Outro should only be done if it is necessary by topic or video format, or if it does not take a lot of your time.

3.1 I have little experience with audio, but I think setting the volume is a good option. I used it myself but did not notice a big difference. I did it for my peace of mind)

3.2 You can view the audio bitrate in paragraph 1.2

4. You can choose any music you like. Just using tracks from the YouTube library, you can be sure that you do not violate copyright and your video will not have a problem with this (with the copyright for audio).

5. Yes, of course. I usually inserted just a picture converted into a video 4-7 seconds long.

I hope I was able to help you. If you have any more questions, you can ask)

Thanks a lot that gives me plenty to go by, I appreciate the long answer it’s very kind of you :) I’ll forward this over to the client. What I will need to workout is will their softwares do a better job than the ffmpeg you mentioned, I’ve never seen nor heard about this before so will look into it

Thanks a lot that gives me plenty to go by, I appreciate the long answer it’s very kind of you :) I’ll forward this over to the client. What I will need to workout is will their softwares do a better job than the ffmpeg you mentioned, I’ve never seen nor heard about this before so will look into it

Today I found a thread from another contributor who reviewed the basic commands for ffmpeg. I wanted to do something like this, but I see no reason to repeat it, so I'll just leave a link to it.


As I said earlier, almost any software will help you to make your video unique. But you have to do each video with your hands from the beginning. Even if you prepare fragments that will change their places, you are still wasting your time.

With ffmpeg you can write, say, 50 stock commands for 50 videos and go do your own thing while they are being created one by one. Another important point is that conventional software requires significant computer resources only for interaction with the graphical interface. For some programs, this can easily have 2-4 gigabytes of RAM and a significant portion of the processor that does not participate in the video rendering.

You can believe me that the lack of a graphical interface + the ability to write a list of commands for self-processing can increase the volume hundreds of times per day.
Today I found a thread from another contributor who reviewed the basic commands for ffmpeg. I wanted to do something like this, but I see no reason to repeat it, so I'll just leave a link to it.


As I said earlier, almost any software will help you to make your video unique. But you have to do each video with your hands from the beginning. Even if you prepare fragments that will change their places, you are still wasting your time.

With ffmpeg you can write, say, 50 stock commands for 50 videos and go do your own thing while they are being created one by one. Another important point is that conventional software requires significant computer resources only for interaction with the graphical interface. For some programs, this can easily have 2-4 gigabytes of RAM and a significant portion of the processor that does not participate in the video rendering.

You can believe me that the lack of a graphical interface + the ability to write a list of commands for self-processing can increase the volume hundreds of times per day.

Hey, thanks I did have a look at that thread earlier actually. Thing is our client doesn’t want tons of videos spun, he only wants to manually spin one at a time for us to upload. The issue is we use Camtasia and mass spinner to make the obvious edits and stuff. I’m not sure sure how easy it would be to use that ffmpeg if only needing one copy at a time either
Hey, thanks I did have a look at that thread earlier actually. Thing is our client doesn’t want tons of videos spun, he only wants to manually spin one at a time for us to upload. The issue is we use Camtasia and mass spinner to make the obvious edits and stuff. I’m not sure sure how easy it would be to use that ffmpeg if only needing one copy at a time either
Simple enough with a little practice) I already forgot the last time I opened the video editor. Writing a short line of text can be faster and easier for most tasks.
Simple enough with a little practice) I already forgot the last time I opened the video editor. Writing a short line of text can be faster and easier for most tasks.

So it’s better to use ffmpeg when wanting to make sure each video file is totally unique then, could you make a basic tutorial about how to use it and what exact lines need to be added in order to get it unique.

Or, I’d actually pay you a bit of money if you can just make a basic video guide for me. If I can get my clients video spun and edited without the need of Camtasia and the spinner software that would be a massive time saver for me.
So it’s better to use ffmpeg when wanting to make sure each video file is totally unique then, could you make a basic tutorial about how to use it and what exact lines need to be added in order to get it unique.

Or, I’d actually pay you a bit of money if you can just make a basic video guide for me. If I can get my clients video spun and edited without the need of Camtasia and the spinner software that would be a massive time saver for me.
The parameters of the video that need to be changed and where to enter the values in the line I wrote above. As I understand it, you need the installation process, an example of using these commands with screenshots, an example of processing a real project, how to make a list of commands to execute in a row and automate them.

This is the next post format that I'm going to do, but how should you understand that it takes time, especially if you need to describe everything in detail with a picture.

I have my own software that I did to create my videos through ffmpeg, but I'm afraid I have no right to promote it on the forum. But I can advise what kind of logic should be in it and on what it can be written so that it is not expensive for other developers.