Unable to access bermanhosting VPS.. Server Down


Dec 27, 2011
Reaction score
I was unable to my bermanhosting VPS server. I checked their website in downforeveryoneorjustme{{.}}com it shows it's down.. Is there anybody else who is facing the same problem..?
Why the spinning around the period? Is this a bot??? I've seena lot of threads on them going down lately... whats the deal. This happening or somebody trying to trash them on BHW?
The berman hosting site is up and so is my VPS.

There were some issues a few weeks back, but all is now resolved.
Yeah this week I couldn't connect to mine several times. Currently it is offline for me. If this happens again I am switching VPS providers. :\
Yeah this week I couldn't connect to mine several times. Currently it is offline for me. If this happens again I am switching VPS providers. :\
You're not the only one.

Quick Review of Berman Hosting...

+ Cheap
+ Good support

- Unstable

I've been using Berman for over 4 months, and in that time the VPS server that my 'node' was on went down about 7 times, i.e. I left software (e.g. Scrapebox) running overnight, and when I woke up, the VPS PC had been hard rebooted, and the software that was running had been shutdown. I do backups, and also Scrapebox has backups, so I was Ok. But, what is annoying is having to setup the software again. Berman could run SENuke or similar, but if you run campaigns for days/weeks, I would not recommend them, because of the instability I experienced. Although others may have a different perspective, bear in mind this is my experience only.

A lot of these newish/cheap hosting providers are essentially one man bands who rent space off data centers and resell to their customers. The guy behind Berman: 'Sven' is Ok, but overall, I'd still rate them 5.5/10, but that's only because of the support and price. I know it can be tempting if you're on a budget, but if you need stability, go for a more established provider or even a low spec dedi. Sorry, I cannot give any other recommendations, but check out domaining/hosting forums for consistently good reviews.
My VPS from bermanhosting has been down the 11th today in 4 months. The only reason I'm being with them at the moment is because of 1. the price & 2. the support.
I finally bought a vps form them and its been down 3 of the 4 day's I've had it. It's still down and Im not very happy about it.
My VPS has been down for 3 days. I had a support ticket open and it got closed without a response and i still cant connect..
anybody got a good recommendation for a vps other than berman? I really liked the windows boxes but they are just too unstable.
My account is down too since last 3 days and support tickets are gone unanswered.
Is the owner of Berman Hosting a BHW mwmber?
What other good hosting is there? I chose Berman because of the cheap prices but I NEED the servers for my business.
I'm trying megafastservers right now. I'll report back with how it is.
Just bought a vps on megafastserver, got the login details within 10 minutes. So far so good....

Pros - Fast support, EVERY seo softwere that exists, VERY powerful server, good price.
Cons - Only one instance of Scrapebox, weird rules.

So far its very fast. I am completely amazed on how many seo programs they have.
Cons - Only one instance of Scrapebox, weird rules.
...I am completely amazed on how many seo programs they have.
TBH, I'd stay away from any host that has pre-installed SEO tools. Like Berman, they're also pretty new:
Creation Date: 02-mar-2012
Expiration Date: 02-mar-2013

I'd go for more established hosts like here:


Hetzner looks pretty good, so I may be trying them out.
I have used xsserver.eu before they offer a good service.

I went with berman due to the cheap hosting and the fact they offer windows 7 boxes instead of server.

Don't have to log in everytime i start the RDC on my mac.

It is pretty handy, but yes they are new and i guess have some teething problems.