Ubot Studio Is Absolutely Shit!!


Aug 2, 2010
Reaction score

im just writing to vent my frustration and dissapointment at having spent $249 on ubot to discover its absolutely rubbish!! Seriously, i had tried to learn vb and continue to do so, but i thought i could automate my web based projects with this...how wrong i was....

Things that i hate about ubot...

1. Support: Is non existent, the forum is dead, if you post a question it take around 2-3 days if your lucky enough to get a reply.....

2. If you try to set up a bot to fill forms for example, and there is an error you cant run the script from where you left off, instead you have to start again or click on every individual node to catch up, which takes away the whole point of the bot being automated.

I can achieve better,faster, and more reliable results using roboform and imacros (just began using them too).

If your considering buying it, save your money, cos im going for a refund and ive only had it 10 days

I recently purchased vbx bot which is based on the same engine, I gotta admit it is pretty rubbish, just sooooo slow, I am going back to sick profiler and eventually Exrumer
LMAO! Next time try disabling the show errors in the preference tab.

I don't know man maybe your frustrated cause you couldn't make any real scripts. But I'm killing every entertainment niche using this software. sports, tv shows, ppv events, movies, video games, you name it and I have automated my posting on over 50 sites using Ubot.

Imacros (by it's self) and roboform could never have done all the content and data scraping that is involved in doing this. Granted Ubot is not a real language though, but for newbs it's a good start.
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LMAO! Next time try disabling the show errors in the preference tab.

What does this do like? and i can justify my frustration, i can get the bots to work with csv data, create and operate the ui, but its still ballocks....
oh yeah, i nearly forgot....

wetpaint is an arsehole if you use a bot on it to create an account....iut comes up with an error, but if you fill the fields manually you can create an account.

i tried to put in pause script between each field, but its still the same...
i know it's not much help now, but what if i say you could have bought that for $199, if you use a coupon code
everytime you buy something online and you realize that you can insert a coupon code, it's worth to try searching on google for coupons, chances are high that you can find something what you can use to spare some $$
hmm, lets see what bots I have created with ubot :

- pligg/social bookmark submitter
- directory submiiter
- phpBB
- ExpressionEngine
- Rss submitter
- Profile creator
- etc..

I'm agree the support is slow but this software alot of better than imacro and roboform.
I refund ubot in 3 days
Very slow to response !
Bad support
Posted via Mobile Device
Well a review isn't going to change the software!!:confused:

i liek the soft.. also if u read the review ud have coupojn - bhpwnage that gives 50$ discount :)

i really dunno why u dont like.
i bought it, but it wasnt working for me...problem i guess was that im not from usa, or uk or something like that, it couldnt drag and drop things, and properly detect tags of each field...so sadly i refunded...wishing it had worked...
Yesterday i posted problem on The support forum and got few people including one of the admins helping. Also got to say im frustrated too with some easy things it can't do and it being single threaded. But have many few bots with it what works great. Also learning to make them more simple every time :) IMO if you have lots of small and maybe even bigger tasks to automate you can get Them done pretty easy and fast your self than paying 50-150$ to some freelancer who doesn't understand fuck about marketing on the site, but when you make it yourself you know exactly what it has to do. But while working you should slowly start learning some real languages.

Iglow, got to give respect to your great posts and tools , but please do not post affiliate links and promote your site with them , its not fair towards others.