im just writing to vent my frustration and dissapointment at having spent $249 on ubot to discover its absolutely rubbish!! Seriously, i had tried to learn vb and continue to do so, but i thought i could automate my web based projects with this...how wrong i was....
Things that i hate about ubot...
1. Support: Is non existent, the forum is dead, if you post a question it take around 2-3 days if your lucky enough to get a reply.....
2. If you try to set up a bot to fill forms for example, and there is an error you cant run the script from where you left off, instead you have to start again or click on every individual node to catch up, which takes away the whole point of the bot being automated.
I can achieve better,faster, and more reliable results using roboform and imacros (just began using them too).
If your considering buying it, save your money, cos im going for a refund and ive only had it 10 days
im just writing to vent my frustration and dissapointment at having spent $249 on ubot to discover its absolutely rubbish!! Seriously, i had tried to learn vb and continue to do so, but i thought i could automate my web based projects with this...how wrong i was....
Things that i hate about ubot...
1. Support: Is non existent, the forum is dead, if you post a question it take around 2-3 days if your lucky enough to get a reply.....
2. If you try to set up a bot to fill forms for example, and there is an error you cant run the script from where you left off, instead you have to start again or click on every individual node to catch up, which takes away the whole point of the bot being automated.
I can achieve better,faster, and more reliable results using roboform and imacros (just began using them too).
If your considering buying it, save your money, cos im going for a refund and ive only had it 10 days