Twitter Bots


Apr 30, 2014
Reaction score
Hello I'm Currently New To This Site An Downloaded A Wonderful Tool On Here.

So Was Wondering Does Anyone Have Bot Accounts For Twitter That I Can Use?

Such As Usernames And Passwords If so Let me know if not can you suggest me where i can get some?

Thank you.
with the tmb free edition u can't create accounts
﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿.tk;6812106 said:
with the tmb free edition u can't create accounts

Do you know anything that does trial? So i know if it actually works or somewhere around there?
with trial twidium accounter you can

Editing of profile details. This feature is useful for quick editing of data in a large number of your accounts. Specifically, you can modify the "URL" field by inserting the URL of the site you are currently promoting. This will give your additional traffic and faster indexation by search engines.

maybee you can buy cheap accounts without all, and modify them with tw. acc.
Twitter Supremacy Currently free in beta. Has account creator and mass profile updater. One thing to note about Twitter account creators is you can only verify 1 account per IP and you can only create 2-3 max per IP.

In regards to your question - you can buy Twitter accounts $5-10 per 100 on the BHW marketplace or googling "Buy twitter accounts".