Twitter Automation & Tactic


Regular Member
Feb 2, 2009
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I take a lot from this forum and decided it was time to give back in equal measure - I hope that you find this method helpful.

This procedure may be a bit involved for some, and if you have a better method, go ahead and post it, I encourage you to hijack my thread if you can add to its value!

Here we go!

In short, I create a lot of twitter accounts, and then I make them look real (background, name, pic, bio)

Now I take my list of accounts and I go to about 20 different twitter train types of sites and I do their little follow thing in order to get the accounts in the train.

Finally, I put all of the accounts I created into a train script that I own so that I can type in a single tweet and it goes out to all of the accounts I have made, which means the tweet also shows up on the pages of all of the people who follow me on the various trains that I signed up for earlier.

All together, the effect is pretty good and the traffic is decent and worth the time spent.

This is my simple method and it works, it only lacks a good level of automation. So, below I detail how I have automated.

Recently I found a little better way of achieving automation using software.

Through various channels, I acquired a copy of 2 programs that some guy had custom build for his own system (I don't know the guy and don't know what his system is).

What I do know is that he had these programs built and between both of them they do all of the steps I use in my own method (creates custom real looking accounts).

But his programs have his own decapture account built into them, which means, I don't have to do image verifications at all.

In addition, the program scrapes existing real twitter accounts for the pic, bio, background and so on, so the accounts look very real.

So basically, in order to run the programs and get unlimited custom accounts all you have to do is load your own proxies (the creator program does have a find-proxy function, but it sucks to the extent that it is useless, so it's better to just use your own).

Now, this gets better. Since this is his personal setup, although I don't know exactly what/how it happens, all of the accounts you create using this software start following people and getting followers, so basically what ever is happening on his side is doing the same thing as my own method of joining all of those trains, except that now I don't need to do the work since he does it for me automatically.

So, all in all, now i am able to do my whole long method with 3 easy steps because of this software.

one- I create accounts (fully automated - just add proxies)
two- I customize them (fully automated - just add proxies)
three- I load the accounts I have created into my own twitter train script so that i can post my message on all accounts I have created.

So it's all almost 100% automated and the work done for me.

I do not run a train site, i just use the script for its mass posting abilities.

So, sorry this was so long, i just wanted it to be clear.

On the software (the twitter creator program) I get a virus alert sometimes when I run the automatic proxy-find function. It doesn't happen every time so I don't know if it's a proxy site or the program its self. I do know that my virus program catches it and deletes it, and the program keeps working fine.

I want to be helpful here, but I don't want it to look like I am trying to sell anything or promote anything as an affiliate or like that, so, if you want it, you can pm me and I'll pass you both of the twitter account programs, and I'll tell you where i got the twitter train program to use for posting (I know the guy who built/sells the train program so I can't give it to you, but you dont have to use his because any of that type of program will work, so if you know of a free one, it will work just fine.)

I really hope this was helpful, and i'll answer any questions on this for a while (unless it seems dead, then I will probably just forget about this post in a day or two :prof01:)

PM me if you want the software I have (you don't need it - you can do this using any of this sort of software, this one was just easiest for me)

Send thanks if you feel this post is worth it.
I would appreciate if you can share that script you are talking about. :)
I'm nervous about putting a link to it on here - so, just PM me and i'll pass it to you.
Gonna try it in combination with my own tools :) THanx!

Kindda works :)
- THe twitter accounts has no verified email address
- The twitter accounts do not match the names (ie a female picture with a male name :D)
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