Twitter Accounts suspended-what am I doing wrong?

1. People reporting your tweets
2. Your IP segment is suspicious, restarting router or modem is just changing ip address but segment is the same, try to use Hide My Ass Pro.
3. Find my TAAC Additional Resources post and use it during creating accounts.
4. Messages that you are sending are same or very similar and their filter catch them. You have to make spun messages with much more words / choices, let me give you example for universal spuns that I made:
This {•|≈|*|☉|☞|>|-|~|:} {YOUR LINKS} is {AMAZING.|ASTONISHING.|ASTOUNDING.|AWE-INSPIRING.|AWESOME.|BRILLIANT.|COOL.|DIVINE.|DYNAMITE.|ENJOYABLE.|EXCELLENT.|FABULOUS.|FANTASTIC.|FINE.|GROOVY.|INCREDIBLE.|MAGNIFICENT.|MARVELOUS.|MIRACULOUS.|OUTSTANDING.} #Xmas {#Newest|#books|#ebooks|#mobile|#phones|#gadgets|#Apple|#IPhone|#Android|#tablet|#Smartphone|#ereader|#iPad|iPhone|#Kindle|#phones|#blackberry} <-- change hash tags for your keywords, this is for one of my tech-gadget sites

This {•|≈|*|☉|☞|>|-|~|:} {YOUR LINKS} is {awesome|tremendous|remarkable|dope|beautiful|excellent|cool|phenomenal|incredible|brilliant|amazing|astonishing|great|awesome|magic|pretty amazing|really amazing|amazing|breathtaking|spectacular|awesome|heart-stirring|prodigious|magnificent|spine-tingling|great|extraordinary|fabulous|glorious|unreal|wonderful|exceptional|phenomenal|fantastic|incredible|marvelous|outstanding|remarkable|terrific|freakish|superior|unearthly|fine, first-class|first-rate|out of this world|brilliant|illimitable|five-star|top-notch|world-class|neat|good|wonderful|exceptional|phenomenal|fantastic|incredible|marvelous|outstanding|remarkable|terrific|freakish|great|wonderful|fantastic|magnificent|excellent|awesome|amazing|cool|nice|great}{!|!!|!!!} #Xmas {#Newest|#books|#ebooks|#mobile|#phones|#gadgets|#Apple|#IPhone|#Android|#tablet|#Smartphone|#ereader|#iPad|iPhone|#Kindle|#phones|#blackberry}

{Check this out|Check it out|You have to check this out|You must check this out|Look at this|You see this?|Did You See This Yet?|Did You Check This Out Yet?|Did Ya See This Yet?|Have Ya Seen This?|Have You Seen This Yet?|Have Ya Seen This Yet?}{•|≈|*|☉|☞|!|>|-|~|:} {YOUR LINKS} #Xmas {#Newest|#books|#ebooks|#mobile|#phones|#gadgets|#Apple|#IPhone|#Android|#tablet|#Smartphone|#ereader|#iPad|iPhone|#Kindle|#phones|#blackberry}
Of course, after Xmas erase hastag for Xmas and put #NewYear, after that #ValentinesDay or whatever, try to choose popular hash tags so your tweet is visible to more people.

Here is few more examples of spuns for actual products, twist it on the way how you like, with as many spuned words and combinations as possible

{Without a doubt|No doubt|Undoubtedly|Surely|Certainly|For sure|Undeniably|Definitely|Unquestionably|Indisputably|Indubitably}, {LINKS} is a {great source|extra choice|biggest collection|fantastic list|the best source} of {great|wonderful|fantastic|magnificent|excellent|amazing|breathtaking|spectacular|awesome|heart-stirring|prodigious|magnificent|spine-tingling|great|extraordinary|fabulous|glorious|unreal|wonderful|exceptional|phenomenal|fantastic|incredible|marvelous|outstanding|remarkable|terrific|freakish|superior|unearthly|fine, first-class|first-rate|out of this world|brilliant|illimitable|five-star|top-notch|world-class|neat} {#books|reading material|nice books|quality books|bestsellers|books|e-books|#eBooks|Ebooks}

{Check|Look at|Visit} this {site|web site|website} {•|≈|*|☉|☞|,|!|>|-|~|:}{LINKS} if you are {looking everywhere for|looking all over for|hunting|searching|looking for|searching for|seeking for} {useful|helpful|interesting|five-star|top-notch|world-class|neat|great|wonderful|fantastic|magnificent|excellent|amazing|breathtaking|spectacular|awesome|important|significant|vital|0 day|freshly published|relevant} {info|information|piece of information} about {nice #book|quality books|#bestsellers}.

{please RT & check this out:|please RT & check it out:|you have to check this out & please RT:|you must check this out & please RT:|look at this & please RT:|You see this? Please RT!|Did You See This Yet? Please RT!|Did You Check This Out Yet? Please RT!|Did Ya See This Yet? Please RT!|Have Ya Seen This? Please RT!|Have You Seen This Yet? Please RT!|Have Ya Seen This Yet? Please RT!} {LINKS} {Pretty the best|Really the best|Just the best|Quiet the best|F'in the best}, {astonishing|amazing|ecstatic|attractive|beautiful|captivating|charismatic|compelling|curious|delightful|exotic|fascinating|fine|gracious|impressive} {choice|collection|list} of {nice books|quality #books|bestsellers|#books|e-books|eBooks|Ebooks}{!|!!|!!!}

You got the point.

you really helped me a lot! Now I know what I did wrong.
Thank you so much :)
3-4 days all works great, but then all my new accs suspended. Why?
My situation:
I create 100+ non-verified accs with public proxy with TA AC, update profiles. Then i use TA Wait and Reply module with default settings and my accs go to ban after 1-2 tweets...
I tried use non-generated emails not similar with names - accs suspended.
I tried use uniq names without numbers or other chars - accs suspended.
I tried change Wait and Reply settings (1 reply and 5-6 normal tweets) - accs suspended.
I make many new spun comment (thanks TZ2011) with 10 new spun links - accs suspended.
I tried harvested other public proxy from additional TAAC pack - accs suspended.
What i doing wrong?
Wow. They are getting better and better, obviously. What is your offer, what keywords ? If is something general that many people use, like offers for ipad, iphone, tablets etc accounts going faster. When I try to send people to my site with tablet and phone reviews, "new tablet" keywords kill acc after few tweets, sometimes is dead even before first message. But now working something for one DJ and acc's from the same group/batch working like a charm. Also you said you left settings on default, well you have to untick options for sending replies to tweets with links (other marketers and spammers reporting your tweets to make lower competition), to tweets without profile pictures, don't run all acc's at the same time but put about 30-40 tasks to work, and put maximum 122-125 limit tweets daily... Continue to tweak, what to tell you more. Good luck.
All previous attempts from my post I made with this settings:
Do not reply on tweets with links - ON
Do not reply .... no picture - ON
Do not reply .... replied users - ON
Make links unique - ON
Now I will try change keywords and run only 30-40 tasks at same time. Thanks for idea. I work with adult and use one word keywords (my mistake). I will write later about the results.
p.s. sorry for my english
That could be a problem. Adult industry and interest for it is big and competitive, you probably sent too fast replies. You have to put long tail keywords, "slutty" should be "hot slutty girls", "hot girls" should be "hot girls in action" or something like this, you got idea. Put the words in " " so search will be exact like you wrote it. It will be more targeted search and less false positives. Also don't use too much keywords, take like 3 or 5 and repeat them in blocks, its easier to load replies when they are in blocks, make text file to be like
""your keyword 1 here"
"your keyword 1 here"
"your keyword 1 here"
""your keyword 1 here"
"your keyword 1 here" (my example will be for 500 loaded accounts so repeat each keyword 100 times)
"your keyword 2 here"
"your keyword 2 here"
"your keyword 2 here"
"your keyword 2 here"
"your keyword 2 here"
"your keyword 2 here"
"your keyword 2 here"
"your keyword 2 here"
"your keyword 2 here"
"your keyword 2 here" x 100
"your keyword 3 here"
"your keyword 3 here"
"your keyword 3 here"
"your keyword 3 here"
"your keyword 3 here"

same for keywords 4 and 5

so, load replies and normal replies to those blocks of keywords,
dedicate accounts to those keywords,
and load them like that in TA and CLICK TO SORT IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER so accounts got mixed by first letters, on that way you 'll get good mixed keywords.
Why to repeat keywords ? Because when somebody mention them you will get not one accounts to reply, but 7,8 or 10 of them are waiting and they will be diverse and will reply with much less frequency, one big factor to keep acc's alive.
3-4 days all works great, but then all my new accs suspended. Why?
My situation:
I create 100+ non-verified accs with public proxy with TA AC, update profiles. Then i use TA Wait and Reply module with default settings and my accs go to ban after 1-2 tweets...
I tried use non-generated emails not similar with names - accs suspended.
I tried use uniq names without numbers or other chars - accs suspended.
I tried change Wait and Reply settings (1 reply and 5-6 normal tweets) - accs suspended.
I make many new spun comment (thanks TZ2011) with 10 new spun links - accs suspended.
I tried harvested other public proxy from additional TAAC pack - accs suspended.
What i doing wrong?

All your problems are listed in the manual and the help logs
Ok, but not work for me...
I create 80 accs. Make new link for tweets. And run in 20 tasks per time mode with 2-word keywords (many of them (90%) nobody wrote all time of test). But other good 2-word-keywords give me suspended accaunts after 1-2 tweets..
Also im test Tweet Poster Mode and all my accs suspended after 1-4 tweets without reply to anybody... How its possible?
Ok, but not work for me...
I create 80 accs. Make new link for tweets. And run in 20 tasks per time mode with 2-word keywords (many of them (90%) nobody wrote all time of test). But other good 2-word-keywords give me suspended accaunts after 1-2 tweets..
Also im test Tweet Poster Mode and all my accs suspended after 1-4 tweets without reply to anybody... How its possible?

Suspend acc. in help desk will tell you everything you ned to know
Ok, but not work for me...
I create 80 accs. Make new link for tweets. And run in 20 tasks per time mode with 2-word keywords (many of them (90%) nobody wrote all time of test). But other good 2-word-keywords give me suspended accaunts after 1-2 tweets..
Also im test Tweet Poster Mode and all my accs suspended after 1-4 tweets without reply to anybody... How its possible?

Also if your using wait n reply,STOP! Use mention instead and tweet poster.WnR is for more advanced users
Ok, but not work for me...
I create 80 accs. Make new link for tweets. And run in 20 tasks per time mode with 2-word keywords (many of them (90%) nobody wrote all time of test). But other good 2-word-keywords give me suspended accaunts after 1-2 tweets..
Also im test Tweet Poster Mode and all my accs suspended after 1-4 tweets without reply to anybody... How its possible?

1 acc.per proxy. Don't use free proxies.Twitter will suspend immediatlly.Buy private proxies from some one on here.
Also I noticed a lot of people that do this tend to look like bots, so try to make each tweet authentic/real looking, otherwise you'll keep getting suspended.
I want buy private socks proxies for mailing! pm me if you can help me out on it.
May be people reported about your tweets is one pf the reason for account suspension.
May be people reported about your tweets is one pf the reason for account suspension.
Before this situation all work great one week and my accounts suspended in normal mode (12-24 hours). But then ALL my new accounts suspended after 1-2 tweets. I dont think that i all previous time posted tweets to same people. I will try make absolutely new spun comments with other link shortener.

Also if your using wait n reply,STOP! Use mention instead and tweet poster.WnR is for more advanced users

Suspend acc. in help desk will tell you everything you ned to know

you can only run 1 acc per proxy at a time or will suspend

1 acc.per proxy. Don't use free proxies.Twitter will suspend immediatlly.Buy private proxies from some one on here.

zeus1956, stop pls this flood... 1 acc per 1 private proxy for thousands wait'n'reply accounts? nice joke
Spamming could be one of the reasons, but not limited to. Cos, one of my VA's account was banned due to that.