TweetAdder Following Help Needed


Jan 21, 2013
Reaction score
Hey guys, new here. Guess I should have introduced myself in the lounge (?) first? Anyways, I want to try TweetAdder, and watched lots of YouTube videos on it first. I want to educate myself before I ask a bunch of questions and waste anyone's time :) I do have 2 questions:

1. It seems great to target accounts similar to mine. I can follow people quickly. How on earth do I get people to follow my account? That's what I'm looking for. If someone can help, I'd really appreciate it!!
2. The five dollar site (not sure if posting links is against the rules, I'd imagine it is) has all these guys who sell 10-15k followers within a few short hours. How on earth do people get followers like that? Not to say I want to make 5 bucks lol just wondering, do they use a program like TweetAdder? And how do they get that many followers that quickly? (See #1, I can't even figure out how to get people to follow me, I can follow them easily haha)

Please and thanks for any help, guys!!
People follow you back if you follow them, and they seem interested in your account.

Most of the suppliers on fiverr have stocks of fake twitter accounts, that they can set to massfollow your account. It's very likely that these followers will be gone within less of a month.
Oh lol I must be a noob to not have figured that out lol I did buy thru fiverr before and the followers dropped off quickly. While it made my account look cool, wasn't necessarily worth it. So, there's no software where you can add massive amounts of followers quickly without following them first?
Unless you have a tweet go viral, you're not going to get a large following made up of real accounts overnight. Make sure you have plenty of interesting tweets filling up your feed, then follow people with an interest in your niche. My personal experience tells me that depending on the niche 20-40% will follow you back if your tweets are interesting & relevant.

You need to remember that Twitter suspends accounts for aggressive following, so you don't want to try & grow too quickly. I have run a lot of tests to see how far you can push the limits without falling foul of a suspension, it's late over here now but I'll get a guide posted up tomorrow.
You can use TraffUp. Net to gain followers or similar sites, use bots to gain points. With many points it can go fast without risk of suspension because they will follow you first
All great suggestions, thanks so much guys. Just starting to dabble in Twitter and followers and this information really helps. Totally appreciate any ideas or suggestions or guides you have :)
Small portion of people you follow will follow you back. Tweet adder is really great tool to scrape targeted users. Just watch your follow/follower ratio - sometiemes is ok to acquire some followers to not have too many follows. And not try to push your daily follows too much .. about 50/day should be ok (or you are in the risk of ban).
Thanks, appreciate that. I kinda thought there might be a fine line between an account looking normal and having such a large spike in followers. Just trying to be cautious yet watch my feed grow :) Guess compelling tweets help too
For a while I just conducted this experiment and made it a point to follow 10-50 people randomly everyday(but trying to make sure most of them were real and at least some were pretty genuine). I "discovered" that at least 50% of them followed me back. Other than that I haven't done ANYTHING with my business twitter account till date but I have a cool 850+ followers :) I am hoping to test them out by tweeting about a few general interest websites I am working hard at.
I've just posted up that guide I mentioned in the social media section, can't link to it as I don't have enough posts.
I asked one of my suppliers how he gets the instagram followers and he said he made his own bot. So i'm guessing most people just make their own bot (which is really smart lol).
Awesome info, guys! I did see a YouTube video on making bots but I'm not getting any younger and maybe I've become too lazy to try to start building one lol thanks again, everyone!!
Eddie, reading your guide right now. Fantastic information!!! Great job!!!