Tutorial - free Instagram bot (sort of)


Junior Member
May 23, 2012
Reaction score
Don't know if this has been mentioned here before.

Found out this method months ago to increase followers/likes on my personal instagram account. Perfect method for those who:

1. Doesn't want to spend any money on a bot
2. Doesn't know how to use the imacros addon for browsers
3. On a Mac(afaik there aren't any bot for OSX?)
4. Doesn't want to turn on their computer 24/7 to run iMacros scripts

It's simple, found this website monitoring site that allows you to enter an iMacros script(instagram like/comment/follow script) and it'll run it whenever you want(every 5/15/30 minutes etc) all day every single day. This could save on your electricity bill if you've been running iMacros scripts on your computer every single day. :D

In this tutorial I'll show you how to use alertfox with extragram to like photos (I've used this with gramfeed, webstagram, statigram)

1. Sign up for a free trial 30-day account at www dot alertfox dot com The free account allows you to have 2 scripts running, every 15 minutes the very least.

2. Login, at the top click on Setting -> Sensors.

3. Click the blue "click this button" (attachment picture1.jpg)

4. Enter the "like" script below at the iMacros text section (attachment picture2.jpg)

URL GOTO=http://extragr.am/tag-images/yourtag

TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT:TEXT FORM=ACTION:/accounts/login/?next=/oauth/authorize* ATTR=ID:id_username CONTENT=yourusername
TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT:PASSWORD FORM=ACTION:/accounts/login/* ATTR=id:id_password CONTENT=yourpassword

URL GOTO=http://extragr.am/tag-images/yourtag

TAG POS=1 TYPE=IMG ATTR=SRC:/images/grid_like.png&&TXT:
TAG POS=2 TYPE=IMG ATTR=SRC:/images/grid_like.png&&TXT:
TAG POS=3 TYPE=IMG ATTR=SRC:/images/grid_like.png&&TXT:
TAG POS=4 TYPE=IMG ATTR=SRC:/images/grid_like.png&&TXT:
TAG POS=5 TYPE=IMG ATTR=SRC:/images/grid_like.png&&TXT:
TAG POS=6 TYPE=IMG ATTR=SRC:/images/grid_like.png&&TXT:
TAG POS=7 TYPE=IMG ATTR=SRC:/images/grid_like.png&&TXT:
TAG POS=8 TYPE=IMG ATTR=SRC:/images/grid_like.png&&TXT:
TAG POS=9 TYPE=IMG ATTR=SRC:/images/grid_like.png&&TXT:
TAG POS=10 TYPE=IMG ATTR=SRC:/images/grid_like.png&&TXT:
TAG POS=11 TYPE=IMG ATTR=SRC:/images/grid_like.png&&TXT:
TAG POS=12 TYPE=IMG ATTR=SRC:/images/grid_like.png&&TXT:
TAG POS=13 TYPE=IMG ATTR=SRC:/images/grid_like.png&&TXT:
TAG POS=14 TYPE=IMG ATTR=SRC:/images/grid_like.png&&TXT:
TAG POS=15 TYPE=IMG ATTR=SRC:/images/grid_like.png&&TXT:
TAG POS=16 TYPE=IMG ATTR=SRC:/images/grid_like.png&&TXT:
TAG POS=17 TYPE=IMG ATTR=SRC:/images/grid_like.png&&TXT:
TAG POS=18 TYPE=IMG ATTR=SRC:/images/grid_like.png&&TXT:
TAG POS=19 TYPE=IMG ATTR=SRC:/images/grid_like.png&&TXT:
TAG POS=20 TYPE=IMG ATTR=SRC:/images/grid_like.png&&TXT:

5. Leave all other settings as it is.

6. Go back to the sensors page and add another script for another tag.

There you go, your very own free 24/7 instagram like bot.

You could sign up for more than 1 free trial accounts to add more scripts for other sites(gramfeed, statigram etc) and could use this for other stuff, iMacros for Twitter/Pinterest/FB etc.


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Will it be actual people liking and commenting on the image?

Thank you
Just leave the website url bkank upon registration.As like any other bot/scripts, you'll get a mixture of real people/bots liking/commenting/following you.
does anybody of you have a clue how to do the following in iMacro:
go to a tag -> click on the first user of this tag -> like 20 of their pictures -> go back to tag -> click on next user

where i am kinda stuck is that you should enter the username in imacro script to open their page.

Is there a general name for the "username" or do you have to collect all usernames and create the script with the actual usernames ???

Has any heavyweight user tried this method? It seems really nice being able to have a script running from another site and not from your own computer. Sure saves you some time and money.

How ever I don't know why, but I got the creeps by entering the site. Felt like they were going to snatch my IG account.

Has any heavyweight user tried this method? It seems really nice being able to have a script running from another site and not from your own computer. Sure saves you some time and money.

How ever I don't know why, but I got the creeps by entering the site. Felt like they were going to snatch my IG account.


I know I'm not heavyweight but I tried this method out as soon as I saw this post. It's quite simple and very legit, I've had no problems so far.

1. Sign up for free trial using a shell email/name/'company' (I just made a new one)
2. Activate your account via email (the usual stuff)
3. Sign in, worth changing your password to something memorable (it gives you a randomly genned pass)
4. Go to Sensors, add a new one. Basically copy and paste an iMacro script you'd normally use for say, Webstagram, or something, or Extragram.
5. Tweak any settings you want (within reason. Some may mess it up / need to paid for)
6. Either start running it automatically or test it.
7. Go to your IG account elsewhere and you'll see if it works or not.

They even send you automated emails everytime it runs the script saying whether it was 'Up' or 'Down'. If you get a 'Down' its usually API based or a loading error which tends to be fixed the next time it runs the script.

At the moment I have five 30 day accounts, 5 different emails attached. Each one has 2 sensors, each sensor 'likes' a niche tag (15-20 instances) I have selected on Webstagram and Extragram (I've maxed it so it every hour it'll hit 250 API limit over both websites).

So hypothetically every 15 minutes, all my Alertfox accounts combined are liking approximately 100 photos, every hour its 400. I've had this running properly for 24 hours now, no problem. All these likes are passed through to my main IG account.

I want to add scripts for Ink361, Statigram and Gramfeed but none of them seem to work with iMacros as their page source codes are awkward to try and automate, they use dynamic ID's and ATTR handles etc.
Good to hear it worked for you.

Do you mind pm me your webstagram script? I can't seem to bypass the 'built-in' pop-up on webstagram's site. I could send you my gramfeed script.
I'm having several problems when running the script, I did not put in login information at first and that was my first problem with the script, what exactly do I need to alter in the script to link it to my account and like tags?
Hmmm. Interesting. I created an Instagram liking/ following bot very recently..... Its been a pain in the a$$ to get whitelisted. Ill try this out... Thanks!
aha they kicked me out
i tried to login again but it said my account is cancelled
still have no idea why did this happen to me ?
hello so i'm a little bit confused i copy that code into the new sensor. but what in that code do i change like it says user name and password do i change that to my instagram user name and password and where it says tag do i put like a hashtag like skateboard or something because i played it and it did not work thanks
Great Tuto it work really well for me ...But I think that it is liking picture way too fast.
I would like to add a pause between every like ...So it will act as a real human
This way I'll get less risk to see my account deleted .I have virtually no skill in programation ...could someone tell me the way to do that?
That's really weird it was going well then I tried to relogin on fox alert and it telling me that my account have been cancelled