Tube ToolBox and TubBlastor Pro Needed


Supreme Member
Dec 20, 2009
Reaction score
Ok well people most of you who do Youtube thing would know if they can get some support of any type of automation that would be great these are two Programs which seems to be working at the moment.

What am or everyone out there is looking for a working Free version( Crack ) of any of these programs Yes Yes Yes Do not tell me search the forum i've already done and tested all the working version are now patched and are not working and recently i came across few threads and they are not working so please if any one has these Please post.

*If you have less than 25 posts and are new do not bother posting the Download link.

Right at this moment am playing with the Free Demo versions and kinda sucks to be honest they would not let you send stuff so to be honest its quite useless "Free version" and i have heard the most about these 2 so if any one knows about good ones please share it here.:p
Right at this moment am playing with the Free Demo versions and kinda sucks to be honest they would not let you send stuff so to be honest its quite useless "Free version" and i have heard the most about these 2 so if any one knows about good ones please share it here.:p
what do you mean "they would not let you send stuff"?
Yes Yes Yes Do not tell me search the forum i've already done and tested all the working version are now patched and are not working and recently i came across few threads and they are not working so please if any one has these Please post.

I feel your pain bro. I truly do.
I think your best option right now is to try tubebots and use the surveys to get free access.
Tube blaster pro was great, but theres an update that fucked everything up, i sent an email a week ago asking for whats going on and they havent responded, shit customer service. Luckily it was only $30