Trying Out Bum Marketing With CB


Nov 14, 2008
Reaction score
Hey fellow Blackhaters,

I was a site flipper but I got bored of it and wanted to try affiliate marketing with Bum marketing and here's my journey.

I paid some outsourcers to make 20 articles on EZA and there are 2 live ones. In my analytics, I saw there was 36 hops but now sales.

Anybody knows why?

well i dont know what your niche is but expect to get like 400 hops before getting a sale. it took me about 500 for 1 sale.
article posting takes lot of time as i done in past try to use different types which give you daily hops. Or if you want to stick with article marketing try to post articles in other article
sites which give instant approval like goarticles and other
Hey fellow Blackhaters,

I was a site flipper but I got bored of it and wanted to try affiliate marketing with Bum marketing and here's my journey.

I paid some outsourcers to make 20 articles on EZA and there are 2 live ones. In my analytics, I saw there was 36 hops but now sales.

Anybody knows why?


I average a little over 50 hops per order so maybe you are not being direct enough in your resource box. In my resource boxes, the reader knows that I want their money by offering an ebook.

I don't know if that is your issue but I don't try to sell... I sell and the reader knows that I am selling.
well i dont know what your niche is but expect to get like 400 hops before getting a sale. it took me about 500 for 1 sale.

Sorry, but that isn't normal...

Getting 1 sale for every 400-500 hops indicates either that the product you're promoting doesn't convert very well, you're landing page isn't up to scratch or that you're pushing untargeted or poor quality traffic.

For most high-gravity products you should level out at about 75-125 hops per sale, and that's with free or "bum" traffic, with PPC you should expect a better conversion rate.
36 hops but no sales is not an alarming number. As the hop count increases, sales will follow suit.

I started bum marketing as well few days back. My first article is awaiting approval from ezine. I am trying to hold back few information on my articles so that the readers are compelled to learn more from the resource box.
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LOL...funny comments I got like 500 hops for one sale. Are you selling a BMW my friend? :D

Btw, I bookmarked and pinged and spamed sites like crazy using SENuke
Actually im selling your mama. ^_^ (oops this isnt the e-whoring section)

all jokes aside, just because you didnt get any sales doesnt mean anything. Tomorrow you could wake up with 3 sales in a row. You just never know who is looking at your articles :P
I heard that it's normal to get 1.5-2% rate hops/sales

Anyone can confirm that?

But If I were you I would wait till you have at least 200hops and then see if you have any sale or not.
Ok, but it's difficult to get articles view. I get 95 views for 2 articles which were approved the day before yesterday. :(
Ok, but it's difficult to get articles view. I get 95 views for 2 articles which were approved the day before yesterday. :(
That's pretty good actually...
How much clicks to your site from them?
Hey toxtom,

you said you get the articles $1.5 each. Where did you get them?

Hey toxtom,

you said you get the articles $1.5 each. Where did you get them?

Can you might disclose about the nature of your articles?
- are they review style, information style, story style?
For ezine articles, I think it should average between 50 and 100 hops. So only way is to have more articles and build links to them to get more traffic.
For ezine articles, I think it should average between 50 and 100 hops. So only way is to have more articles and build links to them to get more traffic.
so 1-2% that means, right?