Traffic Geyser Profiles


Registered Member
Mar 21, 2009
Reaction score
Anyone here got experience with creating profiles on traffic geyser?

You need to sign up to 50+ video sites for 5+ different accounts (youtube etc)

Anyone offer this service?


P.S- If you do- Please PM me with Prices

trafficgeyser itself, offers account creation right? correct me if I'm wrong :D
Yeah - BUT charges a FORTUNE!!! I need someone to do this also, however the last guy i had i thought was over priced. You can PM me if you want we have a macros were making for each site to do it ourself outsourcing was shyt.

I used outsourcing to produce those profiles on TrafficGeyser.
Cost me $30 to create the video + social bookmark profiles.
I tried it my self with RoboForm took me 4-5 hours.

TrafficGeyser offers now a $67 profile creation - I think its well worth it.
It does consider to be twice as much then out outsource but I will use this service for sure.

I actually get my traffic geyser profiles at $15 from a guy. He is very good at it and i get atleast half a dozen everymonth from him. I have a traffic geyser platinum account and at Traffic geyser they charge me $107 for each . But i get around 8 profiles for the same price. For traffic geyser gold profiles he just charges $10. So if any one interested, PM me and i will give his mail id. He has saved me so much money . would be happy to give him some work.