Trade ZennoPoster Templates

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Regular Member
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction score
I have 50 Templates for zennoposter and want to trade the templates with you guys

My templates
YT account creator
Wordpress Registration
Facebook Registration
Stumble Upon
Twitter Account Creator
Weebly registration template
Webs registration template
Tumblr account creating/posting templates
Sosblog accounts creator
Opendiary accounts creating/posting
Livejournal templates accounts creator
Jigsy accounts
Hotmail accounts creating
Aol account creator
Yahoo Account Creator
PasteBin Spammer
YouLikeHits Bot which can collect 1k credits in 20-30mins
Any posting templates? Also, if not trade how about selling?
Im new here becouse wanted to find somebody like you :)
cant send pw to you :(
I need your help with ZP templates just bought ZP for myself and need to find free or I can pay some $ for these templates:)
I'd pay for some of those templates too if you're interested. Need some work to look at so I can learn how to code in that thing, right now I'm kinda lost.
great I just bought it with the blackfriday discounts and am looking for time in my schedule to play around with it. Will be keeping an eye on this thread. Hopefully I'll be having some good templates to trade with :)
I'd pay for some of those templates too if you're interested. Need some work to look at so I can learn how to code in that thing, right now I'm kinda lost.

Just watch the wordpress registration video on YT then you will understand the basic macros of registration
Just watch the wordpress registration video on YT then you will understand the basic macros of registration

I kinda got the registration part, except for working with text files and saving stuff out.

The part where I'm lost is in the posting and grabbing links, or going into a folder of content and getting the right piece, that sort of stuff. I'll get it, its just time consuming and I have lost of stuff going on to where I can't dedicate too much yo it...yet.
I kinda got the registration part, except for working with text files and saving stuff out.

The part where I'm lost is in the posting and grabbing links, or going into a folder of content and getting the right piece, that sort of stuff. I'll get it, its just time consuming and I have lost of stuff going on to where I can't dedicate too much yo it...yet.

You need to learn how to parse innertext (to click with), pull links out of DOM and such...
70-80% of web 2.0s are not "click on stuff and let ZP do the rest"...

hopefully you have good knowledge of HTML and CSS
Tumblr is a prime example of people probably doing it wrong... the posting templates I came across early on were awful. They were not changing titles, descriptions etc during account creation and were grabbing the tumblr subdomain itself only, rather than actual direct posting links (which must be parsed directly with a regexp that sadly only shows up on one page). You need to, ideally if you want google to actually give you backlinks, pull out the<random number>/your post title links.
Also before you even get started, you're going to want a hotmail reg bot that disables the spam filter completely (not going to be an easy task to get one working... took me 5-6 hrs of work till I had something that was over 50% success rate, now it's actually 95-98% success)...
some web 2.0s you're going to need to get really creative... like tripod/angelfire (you should see my templates for posting on those bad boys)
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i do this via excel instead of ZP.. have been thinking of getting it, but it seems web2 isn't easily done anyways? Right now I do some crazy ways of getting sites like Tumblr to update information, etc. Mine runs inline JS even to get certain functions to work. so ZP isn't that great for web 2?
Who said Zenno isn't good for web 2.0 . I will soon open my YT channel and show tutorials of making templates and if you want the templates for download then you can buy it
i do this via excel instead of ZP.. have been thinking of getting it, but it seems web2 isn't easily done anyways? Right now I do some crazy ways of getting sites like Tumblr to update information, etc. Mine runs inline JS even to get certain functions to work. so ZP isn't that great for web 2?

No, zenno is pretty awesome for web 2.0s. I've gotten a few going and I'm a zenno newb. But you have to work hard and be creative in problem solving. If you can't be arsed to make your own hotmail account template than zenno won't work well for you. If you've already got excel rigged in a way to do this then clearly you are capable of working hard and being creative and zenno will probably save you some time.
No, zenno is pretty awesome for web 2.0s. I've gotten a few going and I'm a zenno newb. But you have to work hard and be creative in problem solving. If you can't be arsed to make your own hotmail account template than zenno won't work well for you. If you've already got excel rigged in a way to do this then clearly you are capable of working hard and being creative and zenno will probably save you some time.

Completely agree with you, its tiny things like being able to change the "Just another wordpress site" tag on a new account to a custom tag of your own by pulling from a text file and after that cleaning out the hello world, about, links and then adding a privacy page... all with on click :)

The ability to delete a line after it has been used is GENIUS.
Completely agree with you, its tiny things like being able to change the "Just another wordpress site" tag on a new account to a custom tag of your own by pulling from a text file and after that cleaning out the hello world, about, links and then adding a privacy page... all with on click :)

The ability to delete a line after it has been used is GENIUS.

Yes, this feature is important on dozens of web 2.0s honestly... many out there use wordpress like areavoices and

After tackling every possible web 2.0 making reg/posting templates (89 at this point), I have moved on to bookmarking sites, at least the ones worth making templates for (which aren't many)... the tool has been fantastic at those as well, if you know how to use it and to make it do what you want.
89 teeeemplates are a beautiful thing. And you are absolutely right about linkjuice = rankings. Senuke will be great for your MNS but for the tougher words like mortgages, insurance, weight loss, pharma, etc this is the way to go. You need all the juice you can get.

I have been using for about 7 days now, I have 10 templates created. This thing is unbelievable, I wish I used it earlier. I want to build up a solid set of templates.

Once you know how to use it correctly = mindblowing
89 teeeemplates are a beautiful thing. And you are absolutely right about linkjuice = rankings. Senuke will be great for your MNS but for the tougher words like mortgages, insurance, weight loss, pharma, etc this is the way to go. You need all the juice you can get.

I have been using for about 7 days now, I have 10 templates created. This thing is unbelievable, I wish I used it earlier. I want to build up a solid set of templates.

Once you know how to use it correctly = mindblowing

Indeed, some templates require a manual touch at one point or another, as some buttons are hidden inside java and called (no easy way to handle this), but there's only 3 sites (yola for instance needs this at a single point during posting)
Not a big deal though,
Just don't give up on the harder ones, trust me when I say you can get ALL of them to work (even beep)
Yes yes, I was working on Yola yesterday. I got the full sign up but I forgot to finish it off. After a new sign up, I believe you have to login and customize your site. And then you can post. In my template I don't have the customize part done, will be working on that later on tonite.

I think its just trial and error with templates, but once you have got it down pact. Its so easy after.

I had built up about 95 templates with magic submitter (this is what I was using previously) and whenever I ran into a snag where I couldn't get a field because of some java crap. I would always open up the site I am building the template for on firefox, hit ctrl + U, pulls up the source code and then search for the needed field.
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