So as long as I only upload a text file containing the password to leadbolt, they wont mind that the password actually opens a passworded zip file containing copyrighted material?It's illegal if you provide the actual copyrighted files e.g. games, music, movies. Read the network's TOS to see if they allow that kind of traffic/files.
How?Other than that, you can always hide the traffic source.
What do you mean?The refferer is ht - tp://
What do you mean? =)^Yup, and be careful what network/offers you use it on.
Wouldn't users go to the landing page, then click on the content locker, then become pissed off and report it to e.g. leadbolt/peerfly saying : "I was tricked to come here via a passworded file I downloaded at piratbay!" leadbolt would then possibly ban the account hosting the file.How would they find out?
A, ok=)If you use a netherlands server to seed the material then it is fine, just as if I smoked a cuban cigar here in the US it's illegal but I could step into Canada and smoke it no problem.
Any effective way of doing this?just be sure to mask your aff id#/links if they are too obvious to the end user
You can paste your password to pastebin and lock it using my url content locker in my signature. I don't have any problems with you doing that.
you do realize the pastebin has a iframe breaker?