Torrent not seeding? =/


Aug 19, 2009
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Hello BHW, hows everyone... Just a quick question to the masters out there, why aren't my uploaded files seeding? I have like, 44 leeches but none of them converts to seeds.. hmmm even I myself am not seeding my own upload?
On my utorrent, the file just stays 0.0%...I've tried force-rechecking the files but still, 0.0%... what might the problem be?

I created the torrent, pasted the working trackers, saved the file and checked start seeding..supposedly, it'll begin downloading then seed right? what did I miss? ... thanks guys!
If your unable to start seeding and it's stuck at 0.0%, it looks like you've pointed utorrent to the wrong folder.

As for your second point. If you're using private websites you generally have to re-download the .torrent file from them as your passkey is added dynamically by the tracker when you download it. Without a passkey you'd get a non-authorised message. (I realise you're probably using public, but thought I'd let you know just incase.)
thanks for the reply bro... uhm, how do I fix this? I did right click > open containing folder and it does point to the wrong folder-lol. I tried deleting the torrent and data, placed the torrent to a new folder but it still is pointing to the wrong folder?? sorry for the noob question man..
When you first load the torrent you have to set the download location to where the files or folder is.

So if your torrent is a folder and it's on the desktop for instance; choose the download location as the desktop.
Here's a quick fix:

delete the torrent from utorrent, the one that appeared there after you created the torrent, and reload it again from the folder you saved it.

then copy the files that people are supposed to download in the download directory

stop the torrent and do a force recheck

Everything should be ok after that.

Just found this link that should hopefully help with any problems you have.
it took me a while to understand it... LOL. but im seeding my files now.. thanks _Biju_ and scrapefox... appreciate it bros!
Here's a quick fix:

delete the torrent from utorrent, the one that appeared there after you created the torrent, and reload it again from the folder you saved it.

then copy the files that people are supposed to download in the download directory

stop the torrent and do a force recheck

Everything should be ok after that.

I have been having problems with a torrent that was stuck and knowone would help me on the forum I was uploading it to so for the past 72 hours I had been looking for a solution to solving the problem on my own by reading many pages (threads) and watched many video's and I was almost ready to give up until I cam e across your forum and solution above. I would just like to say "Thank You" for this thread. It was the only solution I came across that really did help me. :-)
Be sure you configure your router to forward your torrent port.