Today Just Took A Turn For The Worst!


Elite Member
Dec 5, 2013
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I like to think that I live as positive of a life as I can, but I just got some news that I don't think I'm going to get over anytime soon. My mothers employer (I'm 19 and still live with my parents) of 25 years has just fired her. The only good thing about the entire situation is that I recently got a 9-5 job outside of IM, so I'm going to have to pick up with where my mother would usually cover the bills for a bit; in the end that's something I don't mind doing. Originally I had planned on saving up as much as I possibly could, then I was going to invest in a home for my parents; but like many other ambitious ideas people have had it's stuck in limbo at the moment.

I thought it was crazy how they could just cut my mother off like that, especially since she's put a good portion of her life towards the organization. I know business is business, but this is probably one of the most shocking things I've ever had to deal with in my life. Then again, we've all got to grow up sometime, so maybe my time has come?

Wish me luck guys,

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Hey, man, we are all with you here.
Good luck and I really feel sorry for your mom's loss.
Appreciate the support guys, I just have to look at it as another bump in the road we call "life".

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Appreciate the support guys, I just have to look at it as another bump in the road we call "life".

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Well, the unemployment is getting increased with everyday.
Can your mom go on a pension yet?
Well, the unemployment is getting increased with everyday.
Can your mom go on a pension yet?

Nope, we actually looked into that an hour or two ago, the financial company said that she gets her pension but she can't touch it until a certain age (I can't remember what it is, but she's not even close yet). They said that we could apply for Financial Hardship, but even then she would only get a portion of the pension (~$10,000), which is a lot better than $0. So hopefully that works out and I don't have to worry about rent for a couple months.

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Nope, we actually looked into that an hour or two ago, the financial company said that she gets her pension but she can't touch it until a certain age (I can't remember what it is, but she's not even close yet). They said that we could apply for Financial Hardship, but even then she would only get a portion of the pension (~$10,000), which is a lot better than $0. So hopefully that works out and I don't have to worry about rent for a couple months.
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I guess you live in Canada, did they fire her legally? Maybe there is somehow you can sue the company.
I am sure that it's illegal to just fire someone for no reason.
Good luck man I've been in a rough patch myself but i guess what is life without them right. You will get through things will get better they always can and always do!
Grow some balls OP, work as hard as you can and make in a few months what your mother earned in all these years. Think how you can make more, not how you can keep more. Saving or keeping money is the worst thing you can do, investing and making more of them is the best thing you can do.

I see you're a writer? A good writer perhaps that works hard? First step you want to do is to create a BST right here on this forum, do not link to other forums like DP because people are not familiar to buying from there. Second step is to raise your service quality (make it better than is now, check out other writing services). Third step you want to do is to learn how to sell (including how to talk and act with clients) and how to present your services. Fourth step is to pay bills in advance, solve all family problems and invest the extra money.

Now I wish you good luck.
Grow some balls OP, work as hard as you can and make in a few months what your mother earned in all these years. Think how you can make more, not how you can keep more. Saving or keeping money is the worst thing you can do, investing and making more of them is the best thing you can do.

I see you're a writer? A good writer perhaps that works hard? First step you want to do is to create a BST right here on this forum, do not link to other forums like DP because people are not familiar to buying from there. Second step is to raise your service quality (make it better than is now, check out other writing services). Third step you want to do is to learn how to sell (including how to talk and act with clients) and how to present your services. Fourth step is to pay bills in advance, solve all family problems and invest the extra money.

Now I wish you good luck.

Is that one of your big dog advices to grow balls?
I am pretty sure OP already knew all of this, right now instead of growing balls he might better of waiting a little bit, at least get over to what happened, get all of his head back together, look at legal laws and see if his mother can go to another job.
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I guess you live in Canada, did they fire her legally? Maybe there is somehow you can sue the company.
I am sure that it's illegal to just fire someone for no reason.

They were downsizing the company, they were completely within their rights to relieve her. I guess you could say she was let go rather than fired.

@Zso I know what you mean, I just feel like there's a lot of competition on this forum content wise. The first time I donated I thought I would go straight to Jr. VIP, the plan all along was to create a thread in the BST section, but I mucked it up a bit as you can tell lol.

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They were downsizing the company, they were completely within their rights to relieve her. I guess you could say she was let go rather than fired.

@Zso I know what you mean, I just feel like there's a lot of competition on this forum content wise. The first time I donated I thought I would go straight to Jr. VIP, the plan all along was to create a thread in the BST section, but I mucked it up a bit as you can tell lol.

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Well, maybe she can apply for another job? A similar job, 25 years is a lot of experience.
Well, maybe she can apply for another job? A similar job, 25 years is a lot of experience.

Yeah that's what I said, but I think because it's been so long since she's had to actually look for a job that she isn't aware of how to go about it. I was looking through CL and Kijiji all day and pushing her resume out to jobs I thought would fit the bill. One thing that breaks my heart is that she is seriously considering working at Wal-Mart.

You gotta do what you gotta do I suppose :disappoin

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that sucks man. I hope everything works out for you both.
these employers don't give a F*CK man... they don't care how long you've worked for them and given your time to them. In the end it's all about profit. Are they profiting off you or not.. if they are they keep you around a bit longer. You get old, they find a young buck that is ready to work, learn, and take your place. Just the way life is. But luckily for you, your not one of those type of sheeple, you have BHW.

Your situation isn't that bad. You will come through. Remain positive.
Where there's will, there's a way. Keep in mind buddy that IM is full of opportunities to earn much more, than any job in real life. :)
So you just gave up because you saw other content writing services out there. If you're afraid of competition then I've got bad news for you.
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