To help us all, best setting to use now?


Feb 13, 2015
Reaction score
Like the title says... BEST SETTING TO USE NOW? We are looking a big wave of bans and blocks from IG, we should lower all our settings

Im using:
400-500 follows
400-500 unfollows
30-35 delay
5 to 7 min per task
no likes
no comments

Please lets find the best setting for all of us to be safe!

I'm not commenting either, and never had problems with bans so far. Hopefully it stays that way, as I don't plan on commenting anytime soon.

I think your settings are safe and you should not see any bans, if you keep with these settings. Maybe you could increase it to 500-600 follows, with 40-45 second delay, and without unfollowing at the same time. I constantly get temp blocked if I do both following+unfollowing at the same time.
I only do comments myself because it seems to gain some extra followers.

For liking photos I use:
Like limit: 6-10
Daily like limit: 1000-1500
Delay: 17-21

Was wondering what I should set my scrape photo limit too? Not really sure what it does.
You can still use liking OP. I'm currently cutting off my commenting till further notice
BigTroll is not the same thread instagram is changing a lot lately.. we should be careful about this... and decide the best settings for all of us... thats it