This site may harm your computer.


Dec 27, 2011
Reaction score
I was checking my ranking in Market Samurai while ago and it was not working..

So I wanted to check my ranking manually.

I found that my site was ranking 4th place for a competitive keyword and below my site description i could see "This site may harm your computer."

google error.JPG

I am worried that this will reduce the traffic of my site.

Please help me fix this up
Usually when I get this it's when a site is infected by a malware.
Check the source code to see if you have anything unusual appearing
If you dont know much about malware removal, 1st port of call should be your host, chances are they might be able to fix it for you.
What kind of website?
What scripts/plugins do you have installed?
Check your ftp logs for unauthorized access.

Once you've fixed it you need to send a message to Google (reconsideration request) through Google Webmaster.
Is your website wordpress? If it is, there's a free scanner that can help. "get off malicious scripts"

If it's still there, I know someone that has previously helped me before. PM me and ill send you his contact details.
Remove all the malicious code from your website. Delete everything from the server, and upload a backup. Make sure you're using SFTP to transfer files to your web host. Plain FTP has a lot of vulnerabilities (password is basically transferred in plain text). After you do this, go to and submit a request for removal. Then go to webmaster tools and you'll see where it tells you there's malware on the site, and a request for them to review it if you've fixed it. After you've done all this, it will take about 1-2 days for the notification to disappear in the SERPs and browsers.

I've had to deal with this shit multiple times. It sucks. Good luck.
Remove all the malicious code from your website. Delete everything from the server, and upload a backup. Make sure you're using SFTP to transfer files to your web host. Plain FTP has a lot of vulnerabilities (password is basically transferred in plain text). After you do this, go to and submit a request for removal. Then go to webmaster tools and you'll see where it tells you there's malware on the site, and a request for them to review it if you've fixed it. After you've done all this, it will take about 1-2 days for the notification to disappear in the SERPs and browsers.

I've had to deal with this shit multiple times. It sucks. Good luck.

Thanks for the reply.. I shall try it out and get back to U.. I am unable to log in to my Hosting account.. It has been hacked.. I have requested for a reset..
Use norton anti-virus and mozilla firefox for browsing.With norton anti-virus you need fear about any attacks and mozilla blocks you from accessing such sites if they are suspicious.
Use norton anti-virus and mozilla firefox for browsing.With norton anti-virus you need fear about any attacks and mozilla blocks you from accessing such sites if they are suspicious.

It isn't his computer that's infected.

As for Norton well thats just bloatware crap.
Firstly check your pc, if possible to you run boot time scan that's good way to scanning, if it's not found any virus so go to antivirus setting and change scan option mainly by defaults it's displaying recommend, change to high therefore restart your pc, again start pc and check your site if your site properly open so no virus on your site or displaying any virus or message means it's clear your site have a virus so that condition try to open you site by using admin section and uninstall all plug in.
i also had same issue and was able to fix it. If it is WordPress change the theme and remove unnecessary plugins then request to review from webmaster tools. If malware is gone you site will be listed as normal.
Go to google
type this in with quotes
"among the caucasians residing in the united states. this may also be common within different"

= his site :P
Talk to your host and see if they can help you. They might want to charge you insane prices though so just be prepared for that and turned them down.
Thanks all for replying.. I have finally got it fixed now.. All I did was I sent a mail to my hosting company that my hosting account is hacked. They removed all the malicious code on my site and I then asked Google webmaster tool to review my site.. Within 24hrs my site was free from the "this site may harm your computer" tag.. If there is anybody out there facing the same issue and unable to get it fixed then send me a PM..