Thinking of ways to monetize transients

Allie Albatross

Junior Member
Jan 31, 2009
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Where I live, I've come to notice a frequent number of homeless people. They sit on the side of the road with a sign that dictates that their hungry, in need of a job, or can't pay their rent. Yesterday I decided to take a trip on over to Whataburger, a food joint that serves hamburgers. I was standing in line and a lady came up to me. I noticed she was the same lady I had passed by, standing on the side of the road. What struck me, was that she had told me my lights on my car were still on, and I went out to check, and they sure were. I also had a lot of gadgets in the passenger side seat (iPod, phone, etc) that she could have easily grabbed and walked away with, as I was nowhere near in sight of my car.

Ever since yesterday, I've been thinking of how I could help her, in a way that helps me. I already bought her a meal and casually thanked her for her gratitude. I could make her hold up a sign that has a domain that redirects to on offer maybe? How about a website that has her life story and a "Donate to me via PayPal", where I keep a share? I just wanted to see if anyone knows a way to cash in on these people in a way that benefits them as well. I'd feel horrible making money off of them, while they get nothing. I would just feel obliged to share if that happened.
In nyc they 'watch' cars to make sure they aren't vandalized while you run in the store, while police watch, it's legal.

Also they solicit donations at tables and the owner of the org gets a cut, the news claimed he made 1500 a day...

Where I live, I've come to notice a frequent number of homeless people. They sit on the side of the road with a sign that dictates that their hungry, in need of a job, or can't pay their rent. Yesterday I decided to take a trip on over to Whataburger, a food joint that serves hamburgers. I was standing in line and a lady came up to me. I noticed she was the same lady I had passed by, standing on the side of the road. What struck me, was that she had told me my lights on my car were still on, and I went out to check, and they sure were. I also had a lot of gadgets in the passenger side seat (iPod, phone, etc) that she could have easily grabbed and walked away with, as I was nowhere near in sight of my car.

Ever since yesterday, I've been thinking of how I could help her, in a way that helps me. I already bought her a meal and casually thanked her for her gratitude. I could make her hold up a sign that has a domain that redirects to on offer maybe? How about a website that has her life story and a "Donate to me via PayPal", where I keep a share? I just wanted to see if anyone knows a way to cash in on these people in a way that benefits them as well. I'd feel horrible making money off of them, while they get nothing. I would just feel obliged to share if that happened.
In nyc they 'watch' cars to make sure they aren't vandalized while you run in the store, while police watch, it's legal.

Also they solicit donations at tables and the owner of the org gets a cut, the news claimed he made 1500 a day...

Wait, whom are you speaking of? Who made $1500/day?
look up united homeless organization in nyc, they have tables and 5 gallon water jugs.

I just got done reading about it. I don't understand, as a homeless person, why I would pay someone $15 so that I could collect money in a jar, when I could do it myself, can you explain why they would do that? Is it for the UHO label? I'm very confused.
I don't know, they pay for the brand? Hassled less by cops? I guess if you figure that out you too might make as much.
I have been reading the recent offline marketing methods here, and perhaps you could use them for that sort of venture.

For example, if you were to distribute fliers/business cards around your local area, employ a handful of these folks to stroll around and distribute them wherever they see most useful. For a flier maybe give each one a unique URL so you can see which ones are getting traffic from who, and tell them you can give them a cut of the traffic they bring in. One guy with nothing better to do walking all over town with a mountain of papers could blanket a town. In exchange he gets a few meals and some cash in his pocket. Be as generous or tight as you see fit.

Set something up like you said, a website with their story and donation box, and have them advertise it. The transients can tell whomever they meet that they are turning their misfortune around, starting a business, and are looking for help. I'm sure folks out there would be much more willing to give this guy a $5 for something like this, which seems more pro-active and productive than just standing by the road with a sign for handouts.

In fact, I know a few of these guys around town here and they're nice guys. When time allows I may work on this some more too, could be fun!