the monthly fee


Feb 17, 2015
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Aloha BHW,

I'm kinda new to BHW and this is my first post. First thank all of you for making me a smarter man in the IM business.
(Please excuse my language mistakes I'm not a native english speaker.)

So, here's my problem I wanted to talk with you about:

I'm setting up a "Membership Site" in the life advice-niche, to be unspecific, and I'm not sure about the monthly fee.
My first idea was to set it at 50$/month(level 1), 200$/month (level2). Because I heard and read here that 1$/month or other change is not really rewarding and making the product look cheap.

Which way do you prefer: small fee but many or greater fee but fewer customer?
What would be your advise for a newcomer?
Thanks in advance for your time and help!

Best regards,
Well actually it depends.
Is your traffic from a rich country like USA or some second world country?
Also are you a authority already or in process?
If you are still growing, according to me, it's best to start from a low price and increase it once you get a good number of subscribers.
Main traffic will be from the states and europe, and the site is currently still under construction, filling it with content right now.

Thanks for your advice!
I don't have much experience in the "life advice" niche, but I'd imagine that content is readily available upon searching Google. Therefore, I'd say it would be most effective if you have a free membership (level 1) and then offer a $27/month or $47/month for a level 2 membership. If it's just PLR content, then having an expensive membership site really isn't going to work very well as most people are smart enough to type a search query into google nowadays. Though if it's original content or you have a writer in the industry that is producing original content, that's another story.
I don't have much experience in the "life advice" niche,..

hey kyle, it was your 1500 post which inspired me to try the membershipmarket.
My content will be a mix of articles from books, locked forums and german stuff which I'm going to translate and rewrite in english.

I didn't really put the free level in consideration, i guess because I only had dollars in my eyes..
Rethinking it right now.

If you're interested what niche exactly I'm trying to conquer message me, I sadly can't yet because I'm a newbie. I'd be happy to read your opinion on it!

Best Regards,
I would always go with small fee but many customers for a start.Then offer optional premium addons to those customers.
most people are smart enough to type a search query into google nowadays.

This probably varies depending on where you're based, but I have to disagree somewhat from my experience. Most people are morons. The majority of internet users don't know how Google works, where I'm from, and you'd probably do well selling them the words of the national anthem as "original content", if you made your site look pretty enough.

I agree with having some sort of free membership level, as well as a couple of paid options though. People could at least get a taste of what you're offering, before they commit to anything.
I think it depends on the targeted Country...i own a Site with 39€/month for Germany and the same Site with the same content for 14$/month in countries
Think, how much would your users spend per day! I would not go over $1 per day! ;) You always can make upsales with good offers!
Do you research, how much does your competition charge for?

If you're still new, start low, then increase as your reputation in the niche grows.
Speaking as a customer: I am member at and paying $10 / month. I would not pay more for this kind of sites and I know he has a few thousand subscribers, so it seems to be a rewarding business model.
Offer a $1 first month trial and go for the higher price after this.

Make them opt out once before the 1st month is over, because you should set up automatic rebilling.
At the ful price
Yeah. The best thing would be to offer cheap memberships and premium add ons.
As I'm in the field of membership sites for some time, just have in mind that in most cases most people won't pay you more than three months. You can start it at a budget for starters, etc from $67 only $27 to see how it goes. If they start buying, you'll probably be able to increase the price to $50 easily and no one will say a thing as it will look like a discount!
As I'm in the field of membership sites for some time, just have in mind that in most cases most people won't pay you more than three months. You can start it at a budget for starters, etc from $67 only $27 to see how it goes. If they start buying, you'll probably be able to increase the price to $50 easily and no one will say a thing as it will look like a discount!

I had to re-read it a couple times, but I just got it. That's f-'in brilliant my friend.