The best ways to monetize a viral website.


Junior Member
Jan 6, 2015
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Heya, I own a viral news website which gets over 30k page views a day from the US and CA combined. I use adsense & native ads (mgid) to monetize the visitors, but these two don't bring enough of revenue. What else shall I try? I don't mind signing up using your ref. link if the ad network is worth it and if the ads are not too spammy for my traffic. No pop ads/pop unders please.

Try Taboola at the bottom of your content.

Maybe throw in some affiliate marketing wherever you can. If you've got big tech news, affiliate link to the relevant products. Music news, link to a site selling tickets. Sports news, link to some sporting goods. Just test it out for a bit, see if it will work with your site. To test, you could just amazon, then if it looks like it is worthwhile, find some affiliate programs that pay a better commission
I suggest Taboola, I ran multiple viral news sites and that was a big earner, along with Adsense.
I suggest you to sale webpage space to the people who need it. You may not earn enough as you have no source of income on that laser topic. Could you let me know your web page niche? I may help you to research that might help for your webpage. Obviously experiment is important before success.
If it fits with your market I would suggest promoting a few affiliate products (software, product) and if it converts well and you can, then developing a product to sell yourself in that same niche.
Thank you people, appreciated. I am going to register @Taboola and see if their eCPM is higher than mgid's.
Maybe check out clickbank, can't really say much without knowing more info
You could peginate your content to leverage the traffic you have. It's a trade off between earnings and user experience.