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Testing our CTR Manipulator - Need 1 member for the test


Banned - Multiple Rules Violations
Feb 14, 2022
Reaction score
Title says it all!

CTRM is the one I like to call the "Secret Sauce". It is a complete systemized ranking strategy that will help you rank your current keywords higher in search results, leaving you with higher impressions. This service will boost your keywords "clicks". which will trigger Google & YouTube to rank you up higher in Search results.

We will choose one person to boost their CTR on Google for 1 month at no cost.

1. We will need limited access to your Google search console. (User access, not admin)

Comment below "interested" and we will pick one :)
If this is open for everyones, you can count me in !
I have a local business which could work for this. But, whomever you choose, can you create a journey for this? Very interested in this space.
This is really nice of you to offer for review :)

just as a heads up for everyone above; it would be ideal to not use your money GMB or money site on a review package for CTR … it can easily go wrong.
Not saying that’s the case here, I just haven’t seen any of OP’s past work, so be mindful when providing your digital properties over.
You can do whatever test you want on me. But I have a condition. You have to pay haha :)