Test My Free Online Article Spinner


Jun 13, 2011
Reaction score
Note: This is not meant to replace paid article spinners. It's a bit of fun that I hope will have some uses for beginners.

Hey guys and girls,

I started an online article spinner today. I originally developed it because I travel around a lot with my Mac and don't have an article spinner for OSX and wanted something portable.

It's now in Beta 0.1 and I'm looking for some users to test it, write their feedback and possible improvements. I'd also like to iron out any bugs users might be experiencing on various operating systems and browsers.

This is a free spinner, and will always remain free. I'm putting a lot of work and effort into this because I know there are beginners out there that just need something to play with and learn the ropes. I also know there's people out there who don't have the cash for a spinner, or don't have a windows operating system. I'm not into making money from marketers. It's not my niche and never will be.

So, with that aside. Let me talk more about the article spinner and what it does.

Head over to http://offers.cm (open in a new tab).

On the screen you will see 3 sections. Title, Body and Resource Box. These are self explanatory. Each of the content in these boxes can be spun.

In the Article Body box type the word "I love this spinner". Now, highlight the word "Love" with your mouse.

The SpinBox should now appear. Within the SpinBox you have a text box, and a list of synonyms. The list of synonyms are loaded from a database. You can select any relevant words with your mouse. Select multiple words by holding the ctrl button for Windows and command button on Mac. If you decide you don't want to select any words after selecting press the "Deselect All" button.

In the textbox you can also enter your own words. It's one word per line. Example:


Once you've selected some synonyms from the list and entered a couple of your own press "Insert". They will now automatically insert themselves.

You can spin anything. Words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs etc. You can also nest the spintax and spin words within spun words for a better variation.

If you want to cancel the spinning of a certain word press the "cancel" button.

Once you're ready to spin your article point your mouse to the top right you will see a button called "Spin Article". When the "Spin Article" is pressed it takes the content from the article and spins it in a text box. If you want to spin the article again for another variation of the article press the "Spin Article" button again.

If you want to make changes you can press the "Write Article" button and it will take you back to your article.

I have a lot of things I'm going to develop for this spinner. But before I move further I'd like input from those who use an article spinner.

This will never match desktop software completely, but it will be a brilliant aid to those that do it manually or find themselves without a spinner when they need one the most.

Awaiting feedback.
Did a quick test, the spun content was actually readable to a human, unlike others I have tried. However, I'm not sure that it spun enough content/words to make it unique. Would be nice to see the uniqueness.

Will play with it more when I have more free time. Maybe okay for Web 2.0 pages
Did a quick test, the spun content was actually readable to a human, unlike others I have tried. However, I'm not sure that it spun enough content/words to make it unique. Would be nice to see the uniqueness.

Will play with it more when I have more free time. Maybe okay for Web 2.0 pages

Just coding the uniqueness now :D

Cheers for testing and responding. Appreciate it mate.
I'll be happy to look at it. I don't spin articles, but love help with synonyms sometimes when I have brain freeze.
Is there are any plans to add autospin and option for api calls?
No plans for an API at present. API's would increase the server load which would mean I'd have to start charging for API access. I don't want to do that.

As for the autospin though, yes I'm implementing an autospin feature.
Do you think this free spinner tool of yours can be a lot better than TBS, SpinnerChief or any other existing spinners out there on the internet? I would also prefer an auto spin feature if possible (which the article can be automatically generated with spin syntax). And also if it's possible that you could add more synonyms just in case something's lacking?
Do you think this free spinner tool of yours can be a lot better than TBS, SpinnerChief or any other existing spinners out there on the internet? I would also prefer an auto spin feature if possible (which the article can be automatically generated with spin syntax). And also if it's possible that you could add more synonyms just in case something's lacking?

I'm not really aiming for it to be better. It's a bit of fun with basic functionality. Who knows where it will progress.

As for synonyms, it actually learns from users types. The more a keyword is used by users the more it appears in the list. The current synonyms are from a dictionary.
Here is what somebody needs to invent. A spinner that knows what it has output before so you don't get random spins but intelligent one's. So for instance the first article will use a in the first spin of {a|b|c} and the second spin will be b and so on.

At the moment every spinner out there just does it randomly which means the articles are never as unique as they could be.
Here is what somebody needs to invent. A spinner that knows what it has output before so you don't get random spins but intelligent one's. So for instance the first article will use a in the first spin of {a|b|c} and the second spin will be b and so on.

At the moment every spinner out there just does it randomly which means the articles are never as unique as they could be.
No you're wrong man. SpinnerChief has been able to do that from day 1. Just check 'spin orderly' in the spin interface.