Tell me if I'm wrong


Feb 14, 2014
Reaction score
Hello Fellows,

As 301 Permanent Redirect will transfer all juice to new site. So in my opinion following method should work:-

1. Register new domain/site, populate with unique and original content.
2. Leave site idle for 2-3 months so that search engines can crawl it naturally.
3. Register any expired domain with clean backlinks profile in same niche
4. 301 Redirect domain to new one.
5. Witness ranking in 1-2 weeks.

Let me know if this method can work. If Yes! Then why not everybody is using this as this appears to be simplest to rank site.
I think you're oversimplifying how 'easy' it is to rank. What you mentioned can help but if you expect to be ranking at the top of the SERPS in 1-2 weeks for even moderate competition keywords, I've got bad news for you.
It kinda works like that, welcome to the dark side :D

That being said, I wouldn't advise it as a long term strategy. A lot of (unrelated) 301's could be a red flag for Google. My advise; build a profile as you normally would and add some 301's :)
^^ I'm sorry may be I should rephrase it. My ranking I meant to attain DA/PA/TF/PR factors, after that I may carry on with more targeted link-building for SERP ranking.
It kinda works like that, welcome to the dark side :D

That being said, I wouldn't advise it as a long term strategy. A lot of (unrelated) 301's could be a red flag for Google. My advise; build a profile as you normally would and add some 301's :)

:) so means I should carry both practices .i.e. 301 and profile building. Hmmm sounds good :)