Which is better:
Hiring a commission only salesperson or salary/commision mix?
-What are good % commission I should aim for to motivate individuals?
I sell cell phones well below retail prices to businesses so profit margins is not the highest (perhaps 100$ per units at best).
-Is it better to have a physical room where people work and have actual control over what they do, or save the office overhead and simply tell them "you can work at home on a commission, I'll take care of the telecomms, just sell.If you don't,you're on your own".
Any taughts? Councel?
Thanks BHW
Hiring a commission only salesperson or salary/commision mix?
-What are good % commission I should aim for to motivate individuals?
I sell cell phones well below retail prices to businesses so profit margins is not the highest (perhaps 100$ per units at best).
-Is it better to have a physical room where people work and have actual control over what they do, or save the office overhead and simply tell them "you can work at home on a commission, I'll take care of the telecomms, just sell.If you don't,you're on your own".
Any taughts? Councel?
Thanks BHW