Targeted Facebook Fans


Junior Member
Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
I have an upcoming project and I need fans for a Facebook page from Finland only. As I am Finnish and this is a bit of a niche request with a language barrier, I can show you where you can harvest good Finnish ID's specific to the kind of fans I am trying to get, and assist in other language related obstacles to make the process go faster and smoother.

Of course by assisting you the price shouldn't be much higher than getting fans for an English language Facebook page. But at least you now know how to get Finnish fans and if someone else wants fans from Finland, you can up the price because of the niche request.

I need around 100,000-200,000 unique fan invites to my page.

Give me your price quotes in PM. Thanks!
uday can you send me your prices as well? need targeted fans. Thanks.
uday can you send me your prices as well? need targeted fans. Thanks.
Hi, I provide services that will get you targeted fans. The thing is after 5k invites are sent you are looking at the page becoming viral so you won't need to put too much out there to make it viral.

Targeted fans are a bit tricky (depending on the niche) but can usually be contained after about 5-7 days. Then after about 14-21 days, you are looking, you start to see more of a stream.

Let me know if this is within your time frame and i can let you know my prices.
I need everything Facebook Fan page plus...

uday can you send me your prices as well? need targeted fans.

Thanks a million,

And have a blessed one...