Super noob question about PPI network download links


Regular Member
Oct 30, 2014
Reaction score

This is probably a really easy answer. I have tried searching on the forum and beyond but can't get more details about this one thing.
Ok, for instance media-kings has a 'links' part where you copy the link and change the 'request string' to the name of your file etc, so how does it know where to fetch the real file that I have (lets say a .exe with some game skins inside)??
Its also the same with perinstallbucks, it just asks for a 'content title' but where does my file come into this as theres nowhere it sais to get it?
Are these just fake downloaders or? Who actually hosts my file (the one with the skins inside)?

Really appreciate your answers :)
You mean you want tot bundle or bind your file with their installer? There is no feature in mediakings and perinstallbucks. There was in perinstallbucks but they remove it. Try amonetize.
Pretty much yeah, is there a difference between binding or bundling? So how do people use the above with their own files/installers or is it just a scam? Was looking into amonetize, just trying to learn how this stuff works.
soooo, anyone got any answers to why I can't create an installer on perinstallbucks? Its just got the space for title name, and nowhere to actually get my file from to create installer.
↑↑ this helped! ↑↑
I guess its just fake downloaders it makes sense... and I think some of those networks partner with Revenyou/Amonetize and similar and than once advertisers find out that its all fake than users get banned or PPI again disappear with all money made.
But as it is used on download sites which are not so "legal" end user needs to expect that nothing is "free".
Media-Kings has been having severe issues and is truly a pain to deal with as it will get all your virtual assets banned if they find you promoting something that explicit.