[Suggestion] What happened to dinnausorus ?


Junior Member
Mar 11, 2014
Reaction score
That's just a suggestion but I've been here for a while now (not so long btw) and have seen really active members who just disappeared ...
But they were just unavoidable while active ...
Some stopped posting other have been banned ... But I'd love to know what they're doing by now, why they've been banned or just why they are less involved nowadays as they were posting really relevant threads ...
I'm thinking of tommy, hekke, royserpa, billy bats, zlatan, ste hugues and many others I forget but I'm sure the comunity will remember ...
As they where all succesful in their business at a time, even if they were banned why not told us what happened or just hit them for an interview to get some news ?
Thread moved.
May be they have moved to the next level of IM.

They may not have the time to post frequently on BHW
royserpa was a scammer. He scammed me of $1086 sent via btc and another bhw member $800 by selling a fraudulent method own by elliot305. ELLIOT305 scam few members by using his status as an old member of the forum to scam lots of guys by tricking them to send fund in exchange for a non existence casino trick. Royserpa is a broke guy claiming to be sucessful in IM. becareful of what some member post on bhw and there claims to be successful IMer lots of them are liers.
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Not sure about others, but the likes of Royserpa and co. (Elliot305 in that bag too) are not 'dinosaurs', rather chickens.
Thread moved.
THX mod, btw it seems that's our day as we never had so much interaction within a day :).
royserpa was a scammer. He scammed me of $1086 sent via btc and another bhw member $800 by selling a fraudulent method own by elliot305. ELLIOT305 scam few members by using his status as an old member of the forum to scam lots of guys by tricking them to send fund in exchange for a non existence casino trick. Royserpa is a broke guy claiming to be sucessful in IM. becareful of what some member post on bhw and there claims to be successful IMer lots of them are liers.
Regarding his posts, I guess he might have been succesfful for a while (or not) ... But I feel really sorry to reed your experience
Not sure about others, but the likes of Royserpa and co. (Elliot305 in that bag too) are not 'dinosaurs', rather chickens.
I'm just speaking about rather valuable threads they posted ... And I feel bad considering they scammed people ... BUT : That's still good to know for other members
I was about to say an asteroid wiped them as i saw the title.
Roy was a scammer he had it coming, Tommy is active here, Billy is here but haven’t seen him much now, Vigi was a really sad departure but then again can’t complain he broke the rules